Tuesday, February 23, 2021


Feb 23, 2021
Newsletter #12

Hi Member,

Highlights of this newsletter

   A Message From
Supreme Chaplain Evelyn Magarban

As we continue to cope with Covid 19, the cold weather and in New Jersey, more snow than we like, the members of Versatility Council have kept in touch with its members by telephone and e-mail. Because of the generosity of the members we are still able to continue with our charitable projects. Here are a few:

We were able to provide Christmas gifts to children at the Felician School for Exceptional Children in Lodi, New Jersey.

We couldn’t forget our animal friends and made a trip with a donation to the Bergen County Animal Shelter in Teterboro.

St. Lucy’s Shelter in Jersey City provides shelter, food and training to both men and women in need. Our members collect flip flops and small bottles of soaps, lotions and shampoos for its residents. 

We look forward to spring and maybe a time when we will be able to see our family and friends again. I am fortunate to still be able to work, some days in the office and some days at home. I have been able to spend time with my grandson and some of my family that I see on a regular basis.

I miss our Royal Arcanum meetings and social gatherings and look forward to seeing my Royal Arcanum Family again soon.

Stay well.

Evelyn Magarban


   We've Reset the Next Session Date

After reviewing the progression of COVID-19 and the rollout of the vaccines, the Executive Committee has decided to postpone the Session again, moving the next Session to March 27 - 31, 2022, or more than a year from today. This additional delay should ensure that all members will have the chance to get vaccinated, and can safely and confidently travel to Annapolis.

The Session will remain at the same venue, the Crowne Plaza Hotel, and the same rates will remain in effect. Please update your calendars, and please plan to attend once we can again safely gather in person.

   Last Chance for 2020 IFS Reimbursements

Hurry! If your council participated in an IFS project last year but have not yet requested a reimbursement, it's not too late. The International Fraternal Service Program runs on an annual basis, and the Committee will accept reimbursement requests from 2020 as long as they arrive in the Home Office by the end of February. Even if your project was from the pre-pandemic days of January 2020, you can still request a reimbursement until February 28, 2021. For fastest results, email your project to the Home Office, or if you mail it in, call them to let them know it has been sent so we can record the request arrived before the end of February.

Each council is allowed up to $1,000 reimbursement each year, so any 2021 donations you have started making are also eligible to submitted. And don't forget to submit an article for the Bulletin on these and any other fraternal acts your council is participating in at this time.

Please consider your local charitable organizations. Most experience a drop-off after the New Year's holiday, and with the ongoing pandemic, many have more needs and more clients than usual. Why not use this opportunity to help those in need in your area?

   Only 1 Month Left for Completing Scholarship Requirements

Scholarship applicants, the deadline to complete your application requirements is March 31. Be sure to get requested items all in on time to be included in consideration for our scholarships.

   Bulletin Reminder

The Royal Arcanum Bulletin will be accepting pictures and articles until the end of March for the Spring Bulletin. There's still time to let your fellow Arcanians know what your council has been up to and what your plans are for the Spring. Why not use this as an opportunity to think about plans and then let us know with a Bulletin article submission.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021


Feb 09, 2021
Newsletter #11

Hi Member,

Well, we're more than halfway through winter now and COVID vaccines are beginning to find their way to our members. Here are some interesting items for your mid-winter reading.

   A Message About
The Bulletin

Our Winter Bulletin has been sent off to the publishers and will soon be on its way to your mailbox. If you don't receive the Bulletin and would like to, let us know you want it.

On the other hand, if you're receiving multiple copies at your home and you don't need so many copies, we'd be happy to save some costs and reduce the number of bulletins you receive.

   Make Valentine's Day Special

A romantic table for two in a crowded restaurant is definitely not going to be the iconic image of Valentine's Day 2021. But that doesn't mean the day shouldn't be special! Here are some ideas to enjoy that special day this year.

  • Why not have a candlelit dinner at home? You'll save electricity, and everyone looks great in the soft glow of a candle
  • Turn off the TV and put on your favorite music. Maybe you'll find yourself swaying to a special song from years ago that warms your heart, or shaking it up to get your heart pumping!
  • Time for your favorite recipes or dinner ideas. You can still order to-go from your favorite restaurant or find an easy to make but special entrĂ©e or dessert
  • Homemade card for couples and families
  • Remember this year by making a time capsule. Include memories from your favorite times of past years and be sure to include what you're doing this year. Place them in a box, tie a ribbon around it and mark it "Do not open until February 14" -- so you can revisit it and add to it every year.
  • Go around the room and tell a story. Perhaps you'll reminisce about a past Valentine's Day, or your family could take turns on "chapters" of an adventure story. Use your smart phone and record it to enjoy again later.
  • What better example of sharing love could there be than doing a good deed today? Make an effort to do a special, unexpected fraternal act in honor of the day.
  • Read -- together as a family or by yourself. Rediscover the heartwarming relaxation of a good book. Perhaps match that with a cup of hot chocolate or a glass of wine.

   The Groundhog Has Spoken!

Last week, Punxsutawney Phil, the nation's premier weather prognosticator, saw his shadow and predicted another six weeks of winter. How he saw his shadow that snowy Tuesday morning we don't know, but who can question a groundhog who has been predicting the end of winter with a claimed 100% accuracy rate for 134 years -- nearly a decade after the founding of the Royal Arcanum. I guess we'll have to stay at home and avoid the rest of winter until the middle of March.

At least, that's true in the east. In Woodstock, Illinois -- the site of the filming of the movie Groundhog's Day, Woodstock Willie did not see his shadow, and predicted an early spring in the Midwest. One can only hope.

A few things are certain: Staying safely inside is a good idea, and Spring is definitely arriving next month. Let's hope we'll be able to begin to enjoy the warmer weather together. 

   Member Stories

The Royal Arcanum has been around for over 140 years, with hundreds of thousands of members over that time. For many, the Royal Arcanum has made a profound impact on their lives, often through help received at difficult times in their lives. Perhaps a scholarship award helped to receive an education that otherwise would have been too expensive. Perhaps an insurance policy provided a financial safety net that was more than a help but a real necessity. Maybe a friendship found through a council meeting, mini-vacation, or session developed into a life-long relationship that altered the course of your life. Or maybe there's just a knee-slapping or charming tale that you love to retell as one of your fondest memories.

Whatever the story, we'd love to share it with our members. If you have a narrative to retell, please share it with us, and we'll share it with our members.

   Roy's Corner

Royal Arcanum members met for over an hour at the last Zoom gathering, catching up with each other. Eight different connections with 13 members joined us. What fun! Jan Brazas was able to join us only by phone, and it was great to at least hear her and have her join in.

Plan on joining our next gathering yourself!