Continuing our summary of the Manual for Council Officers and Members, today we'll discuss Section B, which discusses some important procedures and programs in place for our councils and members..
As a reminder, this article provides a quick summary of the information in the Manual, and in some places provides updates that have occurred since the June 2015 printing of the manual. Procedure for Volunteer RecommendersThe Home Office uses paid agents to generate much of the new business that is currently produced, but we still encourage traditional volunteer production. Due to changes in insurance regulations over the years, it is necessary for volunteer recommenders to work with a licensed insurance agent, which is provided by the Home Office through their Service Specialists. A call to the Home Office at 1-888-272-2686 will connect you with a specialist to guide you through the process. Volunteer Recommender AwardsThe manual provides a summary of the awards honoring volunteer recommenders, through Distinguished Service Award pins, the Legion of Honor, 1105 Royal Purple Achievement, and the Founders' Ring of Distinction. Volunteer recommenders will find how to earn points and how to achieve the awards offered. Supreme Council SessionA summary of the purpose and procedures of the Supreme Council Session is provided, along with the Grand Council representation for the Session. This one-page summary helps to make the details provided by our constitutioneasier to begin to understand. Member ContactThe Royal Arcanum keeps our membership informed through the Royal Arcanum Bulletin, our website and our Facebook page. These newsletters are an additional point of contact for our members. Fraternal Activities and ProgramsSubordinate and Grand Councils are encouraged to sponsor charitable and fraternal activities, and the Supreme Council supports these through several programs: - The Fraternalism in Action Program provides funds for subordinate councils that participate in fraternal and charitable activities. This program has been revised since the Manual was printed to allow more councils to participate and win awards. Councils should include a report signed by the regent, secretary, and member submitting the report to include the councils' Meetings, charitable activities, fraternal activities, participation in the Supreme Regent's charitable service campaign, partnerships with the community, and any fraternal awareness or advocacy activities. Reports should be mailed to the Home Office.
- The International Fraternal Service Program provides for the reimbursement of funds to subordinate or grand councils for qualifying charitable projects. Our website provides the latest brochure on the program and request form.
- The Lorraine J. D'Emilio Legacy of Hope Award Program invites grand or subordinate councils to sponsor a volunteer activity for a charity that best exemplifies providing a measure of hope through their fraternal service and charitable work.
- The Lend A Hand - Lift a Heart Program is designed to encourage participation in our fraternal mission of service through volunteer fraternal and charitable activity.
- The Donald E. Ferry Spirit of Service Award Program’s purpose is to “See a Need and Take the Lead” in support of a children’s charity or charitable program for the benefit of children. The program brochure and application are provided on our website only, as it was dedicated after the printing of the Manual.