The fourth and final part of the Manual for Council Officers and Members is Section D, which focuses on awards available to councils, a quick summary description of the council officers and their duties, with special notes for Grand Regents and Deputy Supreme Regents. The section wraps up with often used member forms. Council Awards Subordinate councils receive awards for new or increased adult and junior protection. Details of the awards are based on terms of policy and are paid over a 3-year period for policies that stay in force. Grand councils also receive awards for production. Production money may be used to pay for plaques or other awards for production; to pay or subsidize new members and recommenders to social functions; production awards to recommenders to participate in Supreme and Inter-Jurisdictional activities; Grand Regent traveling expenses if the travel is specific to promoting the Supreme and Grand Regent programs; prospect dinners; and other similar purposes, with prior approval of the Deputy Supreme Regent, used to further the Supreme Regent's and Grand Regent's programs.
However, production award money cannot be used to pay cash to members for their production; to set up a program of individual or council prize awards that competes with the Supreme Council or Supreme Regent's program; to pay for any personal expenses outside the Grand Regent's jurisdiction; to pay for normal Grand Council expenses; to pay for spouses, other than the Grand Regent's spouse, for attending functions; or to pay for Grand Council Officers' and Deputy Supreme Regents; traveling and visiting expenses.
When in doubt, always verify prior to spending production funds.
Council Officers Council Officers each have a set of responsibilities they must follow while serving in their office. These responsibilities are not extensive, but prior to the Manual, finding a simple listing of the key responsibilities was elusive. The responsibilities of the Regent, Vice Regent, Orator, Secretary, Treasurer, Chaplin, Guide, Warden, Sentry, and Trustees are provided in the manual. Each council was issued a manual for their reference; please contact the Home Office if your council has misplaced their copy and needs some information from it.
Grand Regents Grand Regents have a set of special responsibilities, such as submitting a proposed program to the Supreme Secretary for approval and completing a report of the account of receipts. The details and forms are provided in the Manual.
Deputy Supreme Regents The Deputy Supreme Regent represents the Supreme Regent in a jurisdiction and has a specific set of duties which are listed in the manual. Included in those duties is the need to provide a report to the Supreme Regent before each Executive Committee meeting, to discuss the activities of the jurisdiction under their supervision.
Member Forms Common forms used by members are provided in the manual. Many are now also online on our website. The forms included are:
Application for Social Membership Change of Address Change of Beneficiary Change of Name Change of Sponsor
In addition, our website provides additional forms not listed in the manual, such as the Annuity Withdrawal Request, EFT Check-O-Matic (for US Members), and Credit Card Authorization forms. Check our website's Forms section for all available forms.
Privacy Commitment Finally, the Manual contains a privacy commitment of our members from the Supreme Council. Such a privacy protection policy is required by law and has been approved any the Executive Committee for the benefit of our members.