Ring in the new year with a bit of trivia about the month of January. National Bath Safety Month Start the year by staying safe! January is National Bath Safety Month. The simple ritual of bathing, which goes back to ancient times, is the cause of thousands of deaths each year by drowning. Many more are injured from slipping and the soapy-slick surfaces. Learn how to keep your bathroom safe. National Blood Donor Month Giving blood is giving life! What a perfect way to start the year by supporting National Blood Donor Month. Blood donation is safer than ever before and benefits millions of people, including cancer patients, organ recipients, accident victims, and many more. The Red Cross and other blood banks rely on donors like you to fill the need. National Hobby Month Not sure what to do with your time during the cold winter months? Why not take up a new hobby during National Hobby Month. Find something new, or rediscover a forgotten joy by changing your routine to include a little self-indulgence of a hobby. It will help to bring a smile to your own face, and depending on the hobby, may help you to help others as well.
National Mentoring Month Use this month to focus on how we can all work together and help our younger people during National Mentoring Month. Mentoring produces benefits in both the mentor and the student, especially in improving confidence, developing communication and organizational skills, providing new experiences. The mentoring relationship can be very rewarding and help to provide help to those struggling to learn. Look into a mentoring program in your area.