Hi Member,The Spring, or Vernal Equinox, was just a few days ago on March 20. That means that from now until the Summer Solstice on June 21, we'll have a little more daylight each day; and that even as the days shorten until the Autumnal Equinox on September 22, the days will still be longer than the darker winter months. It's time to celebrate and make plans to enjoy 2022! |
The COVID-19 pandemic is officially more than two years old. Many lives have been touched during this challenging time: it's estimated that more than 6 million people have died worldwide, with more than 450 million infected. Jobs have been lost, savings have been raided, and billions have been spent by governments to try to protect and help their populations.
But this isn't the Royal Arcanum's first pandemic. Just in the last century, our organization has seen the 1968 H3N2 virus pandemic, the 1957-1958 H2N2 virus pandemic, the 1918 flu pandemic, just to name a few. We have survived those as a people and as a society, and we're confident that today's pandemic will soon be a memory.
Does that mean it's time for us to begin to meet in person again? Perhaps it's time to at least consider it. The CDC notes that for those fully vaccinated and without any comorbidities, the risk of hospitalization and death is very low. It should be noted, though, that the risk of infection is still present. The CDC provides a count-by-county map of their assessment of the risks.
We have learned much in the past two years, including the effectiveness of masking, keeping a reasonable distance, especially from those with an unknown vaccination and infection status, the importance of airflow, and of course, how to treat infections. It's recommended that all factors are taken into account along with the considerations of your own council's membership and their own comfort with the risk of infections. The current trends are promising, and warmer weather can allow for safer, open-air options. We are all looking forward to our new normal and a resumption of council activities!
We're getting excited about the upcoming Session! With five months to go, we're beginning to get into full swing in planning our Session in August after a two-year hiatus.
Reservations are begin accepted! Despite the delay and rising prices, we are holding to the same trip prices! The reservation deadline isn't until July 15, but there's no reason to wait. Secure your room today! Reservations with a deposit of $50.00 per adult must be received by July 15, 2022. All reservations must be made through the Royal Arcanum Home Office. Please complete the reservation form and send it in to reserve your place.
Nominations Nominations for Supreme Council Officers are also due by July 15. See the official call for nominations that was published in December for details, and remember that the deadline for nominations has been extended. Send bios to Chairman James O’Neill, 6196 Kaski Court, San Jose, CA 95123, or email to: oneillje@comcast.net by July 15. Dress Code As you begin to plan for the Session, you may be pleased to hear that the Executive Committee has considered the likely temperatures in Annapolis in August and has confirmed that the dress code will be business casual for the meetings. That means that no suit coat or ties are required during the Session business, though some may want to bring something extra to wear in case the air conditioning is overactive.
The formal dinner has also been toned down, and instead of calling for the traditional white coat and black tie dress code, if available, we will only be dressing semi-formally for the traditional dinner, with a suit or sports jacket and tie suggested for the men.
We are still working on fraternal activities outside of the Session business. Please let us know if you have any specific requests before we finalize the plans, or if you just want to explore some options. Your committee would love to hear from you.
Thank you to all the members and councils who have already responded to our Ukrainian Fraternal Project. Our Fraternal Communications Director, Cindy Macon reports that she has already collected over $11,000, which she has forwarded to her contacts in Poland.
But the need remains, and it is urgent. You can see on the news the hardships that this unjust attack has caused. The reports that civilians are being targeted are very real, and families and children, even those lucky enough to leave everything they have and get over the border, are suffering
To Grand and Subordinate Councils, Supreme Council Officers, and Members who have not yet joined this effort, we urgently ask that consider sending some help in any amount. You are invited to send donation checks made out to the Royal Arcanum to:
Cindy Macon, Fraternal Director 24 East 43rd Street Bayonne, NJ 07002
We know that some of you may have provided support, either from your council or personally, through other organizations. We thank you, but we also kindly ask that you drop a note to our Fraternal Director letting her know of your support, as reporting the involvement of our members and councils in charitable projects is a key element in our organizational and governmental reports. Please let her know of any contributions that you've made in any way.
Thank you for all of your selfless charitable support!
Did you know that the Royal Arcanum now offers Medicare Supplement insurance plans? If you have Medicare Part A & Part B (traditional Medicare), you may choose to pay for the costs that Medicare requires you to share, or you can offset some of those costs with a Medicare supplement insurance policy. There are no provider networks or referrals required, so you can see the doctors you want and get coast-to-coast coverage, and emergency care anywhere in the world.
Did you also know that you don't have to wait for the enrollment period to start or to switch Medicare Supplement insurance plans? Why not consider the Royal Arcanum's plans, and share the information with your friends who may be looking for supplemental insurance. We'd love to add them as members! |