Tuesday, November 1, 2022


November 01, 2022
Newsletter #53

Hi Member,

Autumn is now in full swing. The brightest colors of the season have begun to fade into browns in most areas, and the cooler weather has made its first knock on the door in most places too, even if it hasn't yet settled in for a months-long stay. It's also the season when the cold-weather activities begin in earnest when the warming drinks and the savory meals return. Enjoy a quick read of the latest Royal Arcanum news in your cozy place.

Annuity News

There’s some great news about our annuity products. Get an early peek at some welcome news on the interest rates.

November is the Month of

November is the last full month of autumn, can you believe how fast this season is passing? Explore some interesting information about the month celebrated by the Topaz as the traditional birthstone and the chrysanthemum as its flower.

Charitable Activities Highlights

Our members’ charitable activities never stop! Here are some of the recent highlights of completed projects and current opportunities.

Junior Christmas Gifts

Be sure to plan your junior Christmas parties, complete with presents from the Supreme Council. Order your gifts today!

Supreme Regent Visitations

Santa isn’t the only one who wants to come to town. It’s time to plan a visitation by our Supreme Regent.

College News

Quick reminders for our college students and the college-bound.

Inspirational Quote

We offer this month a quote on the joys of giving.

Upcoming Dates

Time to update your calendar again!

   Annuity news



4% Rate of Return for Annuities

The Royal Arcanum is pleased to announce we are increasing the current Royal Arcanum annuity credited rate to 4% within the US. This increase will apply to all US annuities effective October 1st, 2022. Canadian Annuities are excluded. A letter will be mailed out to members who have qualifying annuities announcing the positive news.


New annuities that we offer will continue to maintain a guaranteed minimum annuity rate of 3% for the first 6 years and are guaranteed a minimum rate of 2% for the life of the annuity.  They will be issued with a current credited rate of 4% for the first 2 years, but if market rates decrease, we reserve the right to reduce the annuity to a minimum of 3% for years 3-6.


Royal Arcanum annuities continue to earn interest after the first six years, credited at the current rate, and with the minimum rate that they were guaranteed at the time of issuance. Now is a great time to encourage your family and friends to lock in their financial future.


   November is the month of...




Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month

November is dedicated to understanding of Alzheimer’s Disease and working to improve the quality of life for those with previously undiagnosed Alzheimer’s. Learn how to recognize signs of this dementia disease and support the exciting new research that is helping to identify and treat or prevent it.

American Diabetes Awareness

November is set aside to bring attention to the disease of diabetes, and to help find ways to prevent or control it for those affected. Diabetes is a disease that affects about 37 million Americans. It occurs when your blood glucose is too high, which can damage the eyes, kidneys, nerves, and heart, and has been linked to some forms of cancer.

COPD Awareness Month

It is estimated that over 15 million Americans suffer from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and that several million more are living with it without knowing it. COPD is a chronic lung disease that makes it very difficult to breathe, trapping air inside the lungs and causing the narrowing of the air passages, leading to emphysema. This national awareness month recognizes those who are suffering from this disease and those who care for COPD patients and hopes to work toward early diagnosis and treatment to improve the quality of life and health of those afflicted.

Epilepsy Awareness Month

Epilepsy affects more than 2 million people in America. During their lifetime, 1 in 10 people will have a seizure; 1 in 26 will develop epilepsy. It is the fourth most common neurological disorder in the world. It can be caused by brain injury or be a family trait, but often the cause is completely unknown. The Epilepsy Foundation hopes to educate and build community action to help those living with epilepsy with their challenges.

Holidays and Observances

Daylight Savings Time begins for all U.S. areas that observe it on November 6 at 2:00 A.M. local time. Fire officials recommend you use the time change as a reminder to change the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.


Veteran's Day is celebrated on November 11. Originally called Armistice Day to commemorate the day hostilities ended in World War I, it is dedicated to honoring those men and women who served and have been discharged from the armed services.


Thanksgiving Day is celebrated in the U.S. on the 4th Thursday of November, and this year that falls on November 24. It celebrates the previous year's blessings and marks the unofficial beginning of the Christmas season. It’s usually the busiest travel time of the year.


Fun Days

National Men Make Dinner Day is the first Thursday in November. This year it falls on November 3, which also happens to be National Sandwich Day. Dinner may not be so exciting this year.


November 13 is International Tongue Twister Day. Think they theorized this totally tough thing together? 


November 18 is Apple Cider Day. Celebrate the taste of autumn with some freshly pressed ripe apples, or perhaps with a touch of fermented apple cider!


November 26 is National Cake Day. Be sure to finish your pumpkin pie in time to enjoy a slice of this celebration.

Historical Events

November 1, 1512: Michelangelo’s paintings on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican, Italy were first exhibited

November 3, 1913: The USA introduced the first permanent income tax

November 8, 1731: The first US library was opened

November 8, 1789: Bourbon whiskey was first distilled from corn

November 9, 1872: The Great Boston Fire of 1872 burned about 65 acres of downtown Boston, consuming 776 buildings and much of the financial district

November 11, 1926:  U.S. Route 66 was established

November 19, 1620: The Mayflower reached Cape Cod

November 22, 1954: The Humane Society of the United States was formed

November 30, 3340 BC: The earliest known notation of an eclipse was recorded in what is now Ireland

   Charitable Activities Highlights


Versatility Council Project

Versatility Council #2501 is a longtime supporter of the Felician Sisters of North America. They have recently completed their International Fraternal Service project supporting the work of the Felician Sisters’ Haiti Mission. In 2012, the Felician Sisters have established a mission in Jacmel, Haiti, serving the poor in the region through their ministry of presence, a mobile clinic, schools, spiritual programs, and many youth programs that provide safe havens for the children in their care. They maintain a blog about their activities on their website that documents the struggles and successes they’ve experienced. The nation of Haiti is one of the poorest in the world and has suffered from political unrest, earthquakes, and hurricanes. They rely on donations to carry out their mission, and Versatility Council has stepped up to answer the call. They have received the maximum reimbursement offered by the IFS program to support the Sisters.


There are still two months left for councils to choose and complete an IFS project and receive a reimbursement of up to half of their donation for the 2022 calendar year. Donations must be completed by December 31, but requests for reimbursement are accepted until the end of February. Let the Haiti Mission inspire your council’s charitable desires and complete your IFS project before the year ends.

Dime A Day Drive Reminder

Today marks the beginning of the new Dime A Day Drive that was introduced in the last newsletter! Collect your loose change between now and October 18, 2023, for a donation to I Honor Your Service America. Participants donating $35 or more will be entered in a random drawing next November.

Donald E. Ferry Jr. Spirit of Service Program

The Donald E. Ferry Spirit of Service program runs until November 20. There’s still time for your subordinate council to sponsor a volunteer project for a children’s charity or charitable cause for the benefit of children and participate in this year’s program. Refresh your memory of the project with the program brochure and complete the application for your completed project.

Completed applications and all supporting materials must be received on or before December 6.

   Junior Christmas Gifts


We hope your councils will be hosting Christmas parties for their youngest members. We’re here to help with our thoughtfully chosen, age-appropriate gifts. Councils are encouraged to download the online order form and send it to the Home Office, or by calling our membership services department at the Home Office to order gifts for your council’s juniors. Be sure to order your gifts at least four weeks before the date of your party to ensure you receive your gifts on time.

Be sure to take photos of your gathering for publication in our bulletin. Don’t forget that all children under 13 years of age must have a release form filed with the Home Office in order to use your photographs. If there are any junior members without a release form on file, please download the form and have it completed and sent in before or with the pictures and article you send in.

   Supreme Regent Visitations


Our Supreme Regent Maria DiBartolo is looking forward to visiting each jurisdiction. The Deputy Supreme Regents are being contacted to help schedule and coordinate her visitations. Now is the time for your Grand Council to begin to plan for her visit as she shares her Into the Future program with your members.

   College News


Reminder to Scholarship winners

Scholarship winners, please remember that you must submit your tuition bills and include a copy of your student ID each year in order for the funds to be sent to your school. A letter is sent annually to scholarship winners as a reminder, but in case it was lost in the mail or overlooked, please be sure to complete this necessary task soon. Please call our office at 888-ARCANUM if you are a scholarship winner and have any questions.


Applications for Scholarships and Grants

The Home Office is currently accepting applications for scholarships and grants. All applications must be received in the Home Office by December 31, 2022. To apply, call 1-888-ARCANUM or visit our website

Care Packages for college students

Royal Arcanum college students, would you like to receive a care package at the beginning of the new year for the next semester? Send us your address at school and we’ll send you a little care package to let you know the Royal Arcanum is thinking of you.


   Inspirational quotes


“The simple gift of giving becomes an elaborate rich aftertaste of a natural blissful feeling, lingering endlessly in my lifetime.”

―     Wes Adamson

   Upcoming dates


Mark your calendar with these important dates:

  • The publication date of the next Bulletin is November 17
  • Donald E. Ferry Jr. Spirit of Service program deadline: November 20
  • Donald E. Ferry Jr. Spirit of Service submission deadline: December 6
  • Scholarship and Grant applications deadline: December 31
  • 2022 IFS Donation deadline: December 31
  • 2022 IFS submission deadline: February 28, 2023
  • Dime A Day program completion: October 18, 2023