Tuesday, December 5, 2023


December 05, 2023
Newsletter #66

Hi Member,

We are in the full swing of the holiday season. Thank you for another year of membership and for making a difference in your community and our Royal Arcanum family. Happy holidays, everyone!

Year-end Reminders

The end of the year calls for a quick review of your important information. Take a moment today to avoid any delays in the future.

December is the Month of...

Awareness Days, Holidays, Observances, Fun Days, and Historical events are presented for December.

Charitable Activities Highlights

Integrity Council #586 helps to spread the holiday spirit through a partnership with MANNA.

College News

Last call for scholarship & grant applications.

Inspirational Quote

This month's quote reflects on gratitude.

Upcoming Dates

Update your calendar with these important dates

   Year-end Reminders


Are you sure that your policies are up to date? Old and dated information could mean delays for you or your heirs. Important reminders may be missed. Take the time every year to ensure everything is in order.


We regularly get requests to pay out policies to someone other than the listed beneficiary, but the law does not allow us to do that. Each year, take a moment to review your beneficiaries in your Royal Arcanum policies (and every other place you have them). Contact us if there are any changes.

Contact Information

We use your address, email, and phone numbers to be sure to keep you informed of any important updates. If you have moved, changed your email, or have a new phone number, let us know.

Be sure your Premiums are Paid

Our CHECK-O-MATIC system will automatically deduct your premiums from your checking account -- but not if you've changed banks. Let us know if your banking institution has changed to keep your policies in good standing.

Are Changes Needed for your Policies?


Your financial situation might suggest a change is needed in your policies. You may need to increase your life insurance coverage to better protect your family. You may also find that investing in our annuity products is the right way to secure your future -- it's currently paying a 4% return! Existing annuities can be increased in $100 increments. Review your needs and adjust them today.

   December is the month of...








Dressember was founded to help victims and survivors of human trafficking.  It began in 2009, and works like this: those who sign up pledge to wear a dress or a tie each day in December to raise awareness of human trafficking and to encourage those around them to pledge donations to fund programs benefiting the victims of human trafficking. Think of it as a walk-a-thon but with fashion choices. Visit their site and consider participating.



National Car Donation Month


December has been set aside as a reminder that donations can be made without directly spending your money. Donating an unused or underused car can translate into a welcome gift for many organizations. Accepting automobiles for donations has been embraced by veterans groups, Habitat for Humanity, non-profit radio stations, Cars for Kids, and many other organizations. Save yourself the cost of owning an unused or underused car and make an impact this December.




World Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome Awareness Month


Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome, or TTTS, is a disease of the placenta that causes abnormal blood vessels affecting the umbilical cords and circulation of identical twins. It can cause one or both of the twins to grow abnormally, or even threaten their survival. Learn about this potentially devastating disease and learn how you can help.




Crohn’s and Colitis Awareness Week

1st Week of December, December 1-7, 2023


Educate yourself about Crohn's disease and Colitis during their awareness week. Learn the symptoms to help yourself and others get diagnosed correctly and on time. Treatment and management can greatly improve the quality of life of those suffering by reducing or eliminating the symptoms through proper care.




Older Driver Safety Awareness Week

1st Monday - Friday in December, December 4-8, 2023


Older drivers account for about 20% of all traffic fatalities. Older Driver Safety Awareness Weeks calls attention to older drivers, caregivers, professionals, and others, to address safety with older drivers. Driving is a privilege that demands great responsibility, not a right that continues unchecked throughout adulthood. Learn how to stay safe on the road, and when it's time to embrace alternate transportation.




Computer Science Education Week

1st Monday - Sunday in December, December 4-10, 2023


Computer Science Education Week, or CSEdWeek, annually calls us to inspire K-12 students to learn computer science, celebrate the educators who teach children new technologies, and encourage fair and equitable diversification in Computer Sciences.




World Soil Day

December 5


The United Nations instituted World Sail Day to raise awareness of the crucial importance of healthy soil and maintaining sustainable and resilient farming worldwide. Learn how you can help the soil in your backyard, and how single-use plastics and other pollutants can negatively impact soil throughout the world.




Human Rights Day

December 10


On December 10, 1948, the United Nationals General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. ln 1950, Human Rights Day was formalized to bring a common standard of dignity to all people of all nations.




International Migrants Day

December 18


Human history is filled with examples of the contributions of migrants to the advancements of civilization. In the United States, we honor the achievements of migrants who went on to found companies, patent inventions, and increase prosperity. Less recognized are the incredible challenges migrants face, often forced from their home country through hardship, starvation, and poor healthcare to find a new home. International Migrants Day is set aside to recognize and celebrate the challenges migrants face, and calls us to help make their lives better.



Holidays and Observances


National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day - December 7, 2023

On December 7, 1941, more than 2,400 Americans lost their lives to an unannounced attack on Pearl Harbor. The bombing by the Japanese brought the United States into World War II. National Pearl Harbor Day, designated by Congress in 1994, calls for a remembrance of the event and calls to prevent future wars among nations.




Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe - December 12, 2023

The Hill of Tepeyac in Mexico was the site of an apparition in 1531. The site later became a part of the Village of Guadalupe, a suburb of Mexico City. It is the first apparition in North America and only the 2nd recognized Marian apparition site recognized by the Roman Catholic Church. 




New Year's Eve - December 31, 2023

The celebration of the start of a new year has existed for at least 4,000 years. New Year's Eve is the most widely celebrated one today, with the celebrations's focus being on the start of the new year at midnight. The practice of resolutions for the new year also goes back 4 millennia, to ancient Babylonians. Numerologists will find this year's New Year's Eve special, with the short date having the numeric sequence 123123.



Fun Days


National Repeal Day is December 5, the day that Prohibition ended with the adoption of the 21st Amendment, which repealed the 18th Amendment. Cheers!



Traveling through time has fascinated people since before H.G. Wells published The Time Machine. Pretend to be a Time Traveler Day is December 8 when you can hop on the bandwagon or board your spaceship to enjoy escaping the calendar.




Christmas sweaters can be festive or garish, and for those who do not like flamboyant pullovers, National Ugly Sweater Day should be celebrated on December 17. Make your fashion statement count!



Historical Events


December 1, 1941: The American Civil Air Patrol was founded, a volunteer civilian auxiliary of the United States Air Force.

December 3, 1967: The first successful heart transplant was performed on Louis Washkansky, who lived for 18 days. Today heart transplant recipients live for an average of just under 10 years.

December 5, 1791: At the age of 35, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart died a pauper, despite having created over 600 compositions and widely considered one of the finest composers who ever lived.

December 7, 43 B.C.: Roman statesman and orator Marcus Tullius Cicero was killed by soldiers of Mark Antony. He is remembered for many famous quotes, including this month's inspirational quote.

December 9, 1998: Ruth Dreyfuss is elected as the first Swiss woman to lead the Swiss government

December 11, 1882: Fiorello H. LaGuardia was born. He went on to serve in the U.S. Congress and served three terms as Mayor of New York.

December 14, 1799: The first president of the United States, George Washington, died at his home at Mount Vernon.

December 15, 1890: Sioux leader Sitting Bull was killed by U.S. soldiers in South Dakota.

December 15, 1995: The name "Euro" was announced as the new European currency.

December 16, 1773: Colonial activists, disguised as Mohawk Indians, dumped more than 300 containers of tea into the waters of Boston Harbor. This act, the Boston Tea Party, was a pivotal event leading to the British Parliament passing the "Intolerable Acts" and ultimately to the American Revolutionary War.

December 17, 1538: Pope Paul III excommunicated England's King Henry VIII after he declared himself the supreme head of the Church in England.

December 19, 1732: Benjamin Franklin first published Poor Richard's Almanac. It became a huge success, eventually selling nearly 10,000 copies per year.

December 20, 1699: Russian Czar Peter the Great reorganized the Russian calendar, moving the Russian New Year from September 1st to January 1st.

December 21, 1988: Pan American Flight 103 exploded over Lockerbie, Scotland as the result of a terrorist bomb.

December 22, 1858: Composer Giacomo Puccini was born in Lucca, Tuscany. Best known for La bohème (1896), Tosca (1900), and Madama Butterfly (1904), he is widely considered the greatest Italian opera composer.

December 23, 1888: Artist Vincent Van Gogh, in a fit of depression, cut off part of his left ear.

December 24, 1745: American patriot Benjamin Rush was born in Byberry, Pennsylvania. He went on to gain fame as a doctor and was a signer of the Declaration of Independence. He was the first to describe alcoholism as a chronic disease.

December 25, 336: The first recorded celebration of Christmas occurred in Rome.

December 29, 1890: The U.S. 7th Cavalry massacred more than 200 Native American Sioux men, women, and children at Wounded Knee, South Dakota.

December 31, 1879: Thomas Edison gave the first public demonstration of his new, electric light at Menlo Park, New Jersey.

   Charitable Activities Highlights


MANNA - Pie in the Sky Program


Integrity Council #586 continued its tradition of working with the Metropolitan Area Neighborhood Alliance (MANNA) through the support of the Pie in the Sky Program. Held in the greater Philadelphia community, the program supports providing hot Thanksgiving meals to families battling critical illnesses, seeking to help those with illnesses through good nutrition. MANNA sells pies to raise funds and also allows donors to buy pies for MANNA clients for a Thanksgiving Day dessert. Integrity members have been known to provide hands-on volunteering help for the Pie in the Sky program, extending their charitable impact and exercising Virtue, Mercy, and Charity in their community.


   College News


Final Month for Scholarship & Grant Applications


New Year's Eve is the deadline for applications for Royal Arcanum scholarships and grants. We urge all eligible junior members to call 1-888-ARCANUM or visit our website to lock in their chance to be on the list of winners. 


   Inspirational quotes


“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others.”

―   Marcus Tullius Cicero

   Upcoming dates


Mark your calendar with these important dates:

  • Donald E. Ferry Jr. Spirit of Service Award submission deadline: December 6, 2023
  • Winter Begins: December 21, 2023
  • Scholarship and Grant Applications deadline: December 31, 2023
  • IFS Donation deadline for 2023 Program: December 31, 2023
  • Monthly Lend A Hand - Lift A Heart submission deadline: December 31, 2023
  • Fraternalism in Action annual program completion: December 31, 2023
  • IFS Program for 2024 begins: January 1, 2024
  • Fraternalism in Action for 2024 begins: January 1, 2024
  • Winter Bulletin Article Submission deadline: January 15, 2024
  • Lorraine J. D'Emilio Legacy of Hope Projects end: February 28, 2024
  • IFS submission deadline for 2023 projects: February 28, 2024
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