Hi Member, It's the first full month of Spring! Let's spring forward with our fraternal work, allowing the lengthening days to inspire us.
Annual Report Reminder
Councils and Grand Councils, annual reports are due in June. Be sure to get your reports in to remain a council in good standing.
Look! Up in the Sky!
For the 2nd time in less than 7 years, the U.S. will experience a total solar eclipse. Are you ready? April is the Month of... Awareness Days, Holidays, Observances, Fun Days, and Historical events are presented for this month.
Charitable Activities Highlights
2024 IFS projects can be submitted for reimbursement at any time. College News
SAT preparation can help you with the actual SATs, and we can help with your preparation.
Inspirational Quote
This month's quote is from the author of Lean Forward Into Your Life.
Upcoming Dates
Update your calendar with these important dates. |
We would like to remind all Grand and Subordinate Councils not to forget to file the annual reports. They are due by June 30. Reminders will be arriving from the Home Office shortly, or you can use the blank reports below from our website.
The annual reports can be completed quickly, and are necessary to keep your council in good standing. Councils must be in good standing to be eligible to participate in the programs the Royal Arcanum offers, many of which can result in additional funds for councils. It's also important to note that Grand Councils must be in good standing to qualify for representation and voting in the upcoming Supreme Council Session.
Reports can be sent in early, download and complete it today!
Grand Council Report Subordinate Council Report |
On April 8, the continental U.S. will experience a total solar eclipse, the second such event within 7 years. On August 21, 2017, a path of totality stretched from the Pacific Northwest across the nation and down into South Carolina. This time, the sun will be blotted out from Texas up through Maine. The crosshairs where the two eclipses both pass is in Carbondale, Illinois.
While a total solar eclipse in the continental U.S. is rare (the next one occurring on August 23, 2044), many other interesting astronomical events happen much more frequently. Here's a quick summary of the types of events.
Solar Eclipses can only occur when there's a New Moon, and when the Moon moves between the Earth and the Sun. There are 3 types of solar eclipses, and they occur between 2 and 5 times every year. A Total Solar Eclipse occurs when the Moon completely covers the Sun from somewhere on Earth. The path of totality is usually 100 miles wide or less. A Partial Solar Eclipse happens when the Moon covers a part of the Sun. Areas outside of the path of totality will experience a partial solar eclipse. An Annular Solar Eclipse occurs when the New Moon covers the Sun's center, but doesn't completely cover the Sun, leaving the outer edge of the Sun visible to form an annulus, or "ring of fire." The rarest event is a Hybrid Solar Eclipse, which changes from an annular to a total solar eclipse and back again. Please note that looking directly at a solar eclipse can severely and permanently damage your eyes; be sure to take precautions if you plan on viewing a solar eclipse.
A Lunar Eclipse happens when the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon, and can only occur when there's a Full Moon. A Total Lunar Eclipsehappens when the Earth's umbra (the dark center portion of its shadow) completely covers the entire surface of the Moon. A Partial Lunar Eclipse occurs when only a portion of the Moon's surface is covered by the Earth's umbra. A Penumbral Lunar Eclipse happens when the Moon's surface is obscured through the fainter portion of the Earth's shadow, its penumbral.
Now you have your terminology ready to impress your friends! Learn more about the upcoming total solar eclipse and safely enjoy it.
Awarenesses MONTH Cesarean Awareness Month Surgical births can be a lifesaving gift, saving the life of the infant, mother, or both. But are they overused? It is estimated that 1/3 of U.S. births in 2020 were through a C-section, with concerns that up to half of those were medically unnecessary. Cesarean Awareness Month encourages education about surgical childbirth procedures, discussions about its value and complications, and becoming an advocate for improving maternal health. https://www.ican-online.org/cesarean-awareness-month-toolkit/ Child Abuse Prevention Month Child Abuse Prevention Month was created to combat this widespread and often invisible problem. Increased awareness can help identify cases of abuse and neglect to bring a halt to this traumatizing and destructive behavior. You may be the one to notice something "off" and rescue a child, learn what you can do to notice, report, and help.
https://www.childwelfare.gov/preventionmonth/about-national-child-abuse-prevention-month/ Defeat Diabetes Month April has been designated as an action month to defeat diabetes. Diabetes is a life-altering struggle for more than 30 million Americans, many of whom don't even know they have the disease. Diabetes means there is too much sugar in your blood, which happens when the body doesn't produce enough insulin, and the effects cause a wide variety of problems that can result in amputations and even death. Type 2 or adult-onset diabetes can be prevented or delayed through dietary choices, staying active, and maintaining a healthy weight. Learn what you can do to help defeat diabetes this month. https://defeatdiabetes.org/ |
WEEKS Infertility Awareness Week
Last Full week of April, April 21 - 27, 2024 Begun in 1989, National Infertility Awareness Week seeks to increase awareness of and discussions about family infertility and seek to influence legislators to help address the issue that affects 1 in 6 people worldwide. The 2024 theme is "Leave Your Mark," and calls for wearing orange to draw attention to infertility awareness on April 24. https://resolve.org/events/national-infertility-awareness-week/
International Dark Sky WeekDuring the week of the April new moon, April 2 - 8, 2024 The 1934 radio show by Arch Pboler began with the phrase "Lights Out...everybody." Since then, light pollution has dramatically increased and is the cause of issues ranging from insomnia to interfering with bird migrations. Dark Sky Week was introduced in 2003 to temporarily reduce light pollution, raise awareness of its negative effects, encourage the use of better lighting systems, and to discover the beauty of the night sky. https://darksky.org/ World Homeopathy Awareness Week
April 10 - 16 Dr. Hahnemann founded homeopathy at the end of the 18th century, a pseudoscientific alternative medicine system. He coined the term in 1807, along with the term "allopathic medicine" to mock traditional Western Medicine. Homeopathy reached the height of popularity in the 19th century, with hundreds of homeopathic institutions established in Europe and the U.S. The last of these schools in the U.S. shut down in 1920, and numerous analyses have shown no concrete scientific evidence of effectiveness. Nevertheless, the World Homeopathy Awareness Organization wishes to advance awareness of homeopathy and chose Dr. Hahnemann's birthday on April 10 to begin their awareness week. https://www.homeopathyawarenessweek.com/ |
DAYS Teak Awareness DayApril 12 The wood of the rainforest teak tree has been used for centuries in furniture, boat building, and other uses, going back at least as far as 700 B.C. Today, the rainforest is threatened, and with it the versatile teak tree. Spread the word on April 12 about the environmental implications and the importance of teak in our lives. https://nationaldayideas.com/teak-awareness-day/ College Student Grief Awareness Day3rd Thursday in April, April 18, 2024 Created in 2015 by the organization Actively Moving Forward, College Student Grief Awareness Day seeks to recognize the struggles of college students and the toll it takes on their mental health. It is estimated that 20% of U.S. college students suffer from grief or depression, and this day asks us to raise awareness of their challenges and encourage conversation to improve their situations. https://healgrief.org/actively-moving-forward/ International Financial Independence Awareness DayApril 25 The observance of International Financial Independence Awareness Day started only 5 years ago, in 2019. It seeks to make everyone aware of saving for the future, the power of compound interest, and how to prepare to become financially independent. The date was chosen based on the long-held maximum that one can retire if they can live on a 4% withdrawal of their retirement savings in the first year of retirement (with an increase based on inflation each year thereafter). This rule of thumb also assumes a 25-year retirement. Thus, 4% and 25 years became 4/25, or April 25. https://educatorfi.com/financial-independence-awareness-day/ |
Holidays and Observances National Library Workers' Day - Tuesday of National Library Week - April 9, 2024 Did you know that libraries have been documented to exist as far back as 2,600 B.C.? The first libraries had a collection of clay tablets. Today, libraries are an integral part of their communities, and library workers are who keep them running. Show your appreciation to your local library's workers next Tuesday for their expertise and dedication. https://ala-apa.org/nlwd/ Tax Day - 15th of April or next business day - April 15, 2024
Tax Day was introduced by the 16th Amendment to the Constitution, but it was then March 15. Since 1955, individual income tax returns have been due by April 15 but are delayed when it conflicts with a weekend or a public holiday. For example, Patriots' Day in Massachusetts and Maine will delay Tax Day in those states. Delayed or not, paying taxes is traditionally one of two things you can be sure you must do.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tax_Day Emancipation Day - April 16 - April 16, 2024 On April 16, 1862, President Abraham Lincoln signed the Compensated Emancipation Act. The District of Columbia was the only part of the United States that compensated slave owners for freeing the slaves they held, and in 2004, they made April 16 a recognized public holiday. Because the Internal Revenue Service is located in the District of Columbia, Tax Day will not fall on April 16; if the 15th is a Sunday, Tax Day will move to April 17.
Fun Days In the days before GPS, every glove box held one or more road maps to guide trips into unknown areas. Skill in recognizing where you were, how much time was left on the trip, and where rest stops might be was necessary to earn the right to be the navigator on the drive. Read a Road Map Day is on April 5th, and is a great time to revisit your old maps and learn how to get around without your phone or car's map apps. https://trailblazer.thousandtrails.com/2021/04/reading-the-roads/ For an egg-straordinary start to your day, celebrate Eggs Benedict Day on April 16. The origins of the Egg Benedict are unclear, with myths tying it to the favorite breakfast of Benedict Arnold when he lived in Britain after his betrayal, or to a New York hangover remedy of stock broker Lemuel Benedict. Perhaps the most likely story is that it was created at New York's Delmonico's Restaurant for Mrs. LeGrand Benedict in the 1860s. Whoever invented it or made it famous, poached eggs over toast or English muffins with ham and Hollandaise sauce makes a fine choice on April 16. https://lakesidetable.com/national-eggs-benedict-day/ Jelly Bean Day is on April 22, which makes it an excellent choice to finish off any that are left over from Easter. The original jelly bean is thought to have been inspired by the sweet candy known as Turkish Delight, invented sometime in the mid-1800s. Their influence has changed our Easter celebrations, inspired guessing games (how many jelly beans are in the jar?), and is often used in arts & crafts. Eat them up before someone finds more uses for them! https://www.candyclub.com/blog/national-jelly-bean-day-facts/ |
Historical Events April 2, 1863: An angry, hungry mob demanded bread from a bakery wagon and went on to wreck the shops in the Confederate Capital of Richmond, Virginia in what became known as the Richmond Bread Riot. April 3, 1948: The Marshall Plan was signed into law by President Harry S. Truman. It was intended to stop the spread of Communism and to help restore the European economies that were destroyed during World War II. April 6, 1994.: The genocide in Rwanda began when the plane carrying the presidents of Rwanda and Burundi was shot down. In the years following this incident, more than a half million people were killed, and another two million fled the country. April 10, 1998: The Good Friday Agreement was reached in Northern Ireland, aiming to end 30 years of violence that led to the deaths of more than 3,400 people, and ending "direct rule" from London of the territory. April 16, 1867: Wilbur Wright was born in Millville, Indiana. He became a legend 36 years later when, with his brother Orville, the first successful flight of a motorized aircraft traveled 120 feet and stayed aloft for 12 seconds. April 20, 1869: In Braunau am Inn, Austria, Adolf Hitler was born. He later became leader of Nazi Germany, waged a war that killed an estimated 50 million people, and attempted to exterminate those he considered undesirable, including the entire European Jewish population. April 24, 1915: The first modern genocide began with the deportation of Armenian leaders from Constantinople. The massacres that followed led to the complete elimination of Armenians from the Ottoman Empire and the murders of an estimated 800,000 to 2,000,000 Armenians. April 26, 1994: Apartheid ended in South Africa when the first multiracial elections were held and more than 18 million blacks were allowed to vote. Nelson Mandela was elected president and F.W. de Klerk was elected vice president. |
National Volunteer Week will be celebrated during the 3rd week in April. The celebration, begun in 1974, challenges us to review our volunteer activity, and hopefully encourage us all to do a bit more in sharing our time and our kindness where it is needed. That makes this month an ideal time to highlight some of the programs we offer to assist councils in their volunteer work.
The annual Fraternalism in Action program provides a way for councils to earn an award for council meetings, charitable activities, fraternal activities, participation in the Supreme Regent’s charitable service campaign, council/community partnerships, and fraternal awarenesses & advocacy activities in which they participate. It runs from January 1st through December 31st, with a submission form accepted until February 15 the following year. The International Fraternal Service (IFS) Program is noted here often. This continuing program also runs annually from the 1st of January through the 31st of December. Participating councils are eligible to be reimbursed for up to 1/2 of their costs and/or donations for projects that qualify under the program. Multiple projects can be submitted by councils throughout the year, earning a maximum of $1,000 reimbursed annually. The monthly Lend a Hand - Lift a Heart program recognizes hands-on volunteer service activities. Events with at least three Royal Arcanum members actively participating can submit their activities and may earn awards for their participation. Note that the focus of this program is active participation, monetary-only donations do not qualify.
The Lorraine J. D'Emilio Legacy of Hope focuses on council sponsorship of volunteer activity. The program runs from September 1st through the end of February and requires that the council be the organizing sponsor of the activity. Only one submission per program year is permitted, with a focus on the hope that is provided through charitable and volunteer work. Winning councils will have $1,000 donated to the charity or the cause that was supported by the Supreme Council, and the council will be awarded $300.
The Donald E. Ferry Jr. Spirit of Service program rewards a council that supports a children's charity or performs a charitable program for the benefit of children. Councils should sponsor a volunteer program benefiting children from June 1st through November 20th, and participation of council members is required (donation-only support does not qualify). The winning council will be awarded 500. |
SAT Preparation Fee Reimbursement College-bound members, don't forget that the Royal Arcanum will reimburse you up to $50 for members who submit a request to the Home Office along with a receipt for any SAT prep course that's completed. Don't miss the chance to get your college days off to a good start with a good SAT score. Prepare for the SAT and submit a reimbursement request. |
“At the end of the day it’s not about what you have or even what you’ve accomplished… it’s about who you’ve lifted up, who you’ve made better. It’s about what you’ve given back.” ― Denzel Washington |
Mark your calendar with these important dates: - Monthly Lend A Hand - Lift A Heart submission deadline: April 30, 2024
- Spring Bulletin publication date: May 4, 2024
- Grand and Subordinate Council Reports Due: June 30, 2024