Tuesday, August 6, 2024


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August 06, 2024
Newsletter #74

Hi Member,


Officers Elected at the 106th Session

Our fraternal family met in Baltimore to renew old friendships, make some new friends, and conduct the business of the order, including electing our officers for the new term.


Introducing Andrew Marley

We are pleased to introduce our new General Counsel, Andrew Marley.

Charitable Activities Highlights

Giving is never out of season, and our members never stop giving.
College News

August is back-to-school time for many college students. Are you ready?

Inspirational Quote

Get inspired this month!

Upcoming Dates

Keep these important dates in your calendar.

   Officers Elected at the 106th Session

Thank you to all the officers, representatives, members, and guests who joined us in Baltimore at the 106th Session of the Royal Arcanum. Congratulations to all our new officers!


Welcome to our New Supreme Regent


Illinois Grand Regent Lisa Crawford and her sister, Supreme Regent Nicole Covelli

Congratulations to our newly elected Supreme Regent, Nicole Covelli. Nicole has been a lifelong member of the Royal Arcanum, and the third generation that has been elected as a Supreme Council officer, all hailing from the Illinois Jurisdiction, and a member of Fort Dearborn Council #278. Her unanimous election underscores the confidence in her to lead us with her program Revive Our Royal Arcanum Family. Give her your support when she visits your jurisdiction.

All Elected Officers

The full list of the newly elected officers is below. Congratulations to all!

Supreme Regent
                             Nicole M. Covelli
Supreme Vice Regent
                             Karen Lockaby
Supreme Orator
                             Mark Hefner
Sitting Past Supreme Regent
                             Maria Bettina DiBartolo
Supreme Secretary
                             Antal Basa Jr.
Supreme Treasurer
                             John Crisanti
Supreme Auditor
                             Richard J. Macon, FIC
Supreme Chaplain
                             Evelyn Magarban
Supreme Guide
                             David W. Covelli
Supreme Warden
                             Robert Galdon Jr.
Supreme Sentry
                             Christine Piscitelli
Elective Members of the Executive Committee
                             Cynthia A. Macon
                             Janice S. Brazas
                             Errica Conforto
                             Carl J. Krzystofczyk
Committee on Laws
                             Jay R. Newlin
                             Nicholas G. Benoit
                             Joanie Francis
Committee on Finance
                             Richard J. Macon, FIC {Supreme Auditor}
                             Joseph R. Macon, FICF
                             Ralph T. Ferrara
Supreme Trustees
                             Joseph Conforto
                             Anthony Basa
                             Carl Petlik
                             Lynda A. Rodil
Committee on Juniors
                             Kaitlyn Lockaby
                             Genevieve A. Macon {Life Member}
                             Anita Ferrara
                             Antoinette Malone
                             Ruth Rupnik
Committee on Appeals
                             Andrew Basa
                             Gregory Hahn
                             Lisa Kolek
                             Lisa Crawford


   Introducing Andrew Marley

The Supreme Council has a new General Counsel! We are pleased to introduce Andrew J. Marley, Managing Attorney for Stern & Eisenberg’s Pennsylvania operations. Our previous General Counsel, Matthew P. D'Emilo, has been providing legal support for many years as Assistant General Counsel and has filled the shoes of General Counsel upon the death of his father, Paul F. D'Emilio. Matt advised that his growing law firm was taking an ever-increasing amount of his time, and he felt that the Royal Arcanum would be better served with an attorney whose experience more closely matched the likely needs of the Society. We give a hearty "Thank you" to Matt for the professionalism and fraternalism he has shared with us as Counsel.

With Matt's advice, we interviewed and brought on board Andrew, who has a long history with the Royal Arcanum. He is a member of Integrity Council # 586 and was a previous winner of a Royal Arcanum Scholarship. Andrew is the cousin of Matthew, giving the Royal Arcanum a continuity at an important position. Andrew joined us for the first day of the 106th Session, taking in the atmosphere and important topics, and shared his enthusiasm. Welcome, Andrew!



   Charitable Activities Highlights

Here's the latest charitable project by our members.


Summer Gifting Project - St. Elizabeth School

The Royal Arcanum continued its tradition of encouraging members and councils to support a summer gifting program. This year, we supported St. Elizabeth School for special needs students. During the Session, we presented representatives from St. Elizabeth with a number of their "wish list" items and with a check representing the generosity of our members and councils totaling $7,000! Thank you to everyone for helping!

Would you still like to contribute? Contact the Home Office or our Fraternal Director and add to the generous donations from our members and councils.


Grand Council of Illinois - Hadley


Illinois completed its Buddy Project, the fraternal service initiative pairing different jurisdictions together to support a common cause, by making a charitable donation to Hadley. Founded more than 100 years ago by William Hadley, its mission is to help those visually impaired. Hadley recently transformed themselves from a school for the blind, teaching academic subjects, to providing practical help, free of charge, through its online, phone, and mailed materials. More people learn Braille from Hadley than from any other organization in the world!


   College News


College Adventures Await


Heading off to college for the first time or resuming your studies after a summer break? Be sure you're ready. Here's our list of typical things to consider:


  • Make sure you have gotten the required vaccines and check-ups
  • Gather your important documents; keep copies on your mobile phone
  • Plan your packing. Bring the necessities (clothing, bedding, towels, personal hygiene items, storage containers that will fit, electronics and chargers, etc.) and some comforts from home (posters, whiteboard, rug, etc.)
  • Talk to your roommate(s) and agree on rules for your shared space, visitors, study times, lights out, and whatever will make your year together enjoyable
  • Make new friends. Get involved with groups with common interests.
  • Plan your study schedule. Enjoy college but don't forget your study needs.
  • Reach out for resources you need, and don't forget home, friends, and the Royal Arcanum can be some of those sources. Our Junior Department is there for you, keep in touch with us!


   Inspirational quotes


“Always give without remembering and always receive without forgetting.”

―    Brian Tracy

   Upcoming dates


Mark your calendar with these important dates:

  • Summer Bulletin publication date: August 19, 2024
  • Monthly Lend A Hand - Lift A Heart submission deadline: August 31, 2024
  • Scholarship and Grant Applications Open: September 1, 2024
  • Lorraine J. D'Emilio Legacy of Hope Projects Begin: September 1, 2024
  • Autumn Begins: September 22, 2024
  • Donald E. Ferry Spirit of Service Award Projects Ends: November 20, 2024
  • Youth of the Year Award Nomination Deadline: November 30, 2024
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