Thursday, October 22, 2020


Oct 20, 2020
Newsletter #3

Hi Member,

Highlights of this newsletter

   A Message From
The Chairman of the Executive Committee

Dear Members,

We all started on January 1st, 2020 thinking about all the great activities we would plan for this year; such as family gatherings, holidays, worshiping in church, sporting events, vacations, back to school, graduations, council meetings, charitable projects, marriages, medical care procedures, the exciting Royal Arcanum Session in Annapolis and many more activities. Our outlook for our "Great Future" in "2020" was high with anticipation.

Suddenly, we were told of the COVID 19 virus, which came along, that resulted in a global pandemic in such a proportion that we have never encountered before! Our "normal" activities came to a hold and all of a sudden our lives were replaced with masks and social distancing and staying basically indoors. Every part of our everyday routine changed in many ways. We had to live secluded from our friends and family and postpone daily activities. It has been truly an extreme hardship for so many people to endure. We will, however by the grade of God, get through this period because of our resiliency and strength to carry on. Hopefully, this will soon be a remembrance of the past and with great hope, normal activities will soon begin again.

Please remember, the Royal Arcanum Society and membership has been in existence for over 143 years. We are strong and certainly will endure and survive the current challenges of "2020." We must continue our founding principles: Virtue, Mercy and Charity. We must strive to help others now through different ways, namely;

1. To provide food, support, comfort and friendship to those in need.
2. To communicate with our council members via teleconference if necessary.
3. To continue our fraternal spirit and energy within the community.

I would like to give our Home Office staff recognition and thanks for their true dedication and work throughout this pandemic period. They have worked at home and the office to maintain the Royal Arcanum business and fraternal activities. They have all insured that the membership service support was available at all times.

Finally, I am certain that the Royal Arcanum and members will weather this storm, but not without the strength and support from you, family and friends. Continue to reach out to others who need reassurance that they are not alone. I wish everyone well and hopefully see the end to this pandemic will be coming soon.

Stay safe!

James O'Neill,

   Spread the News on Scholarships

Applications for our Royal Arcanum Scholarships and non-competitive grants are now being accepted. More than $60,000 in scholarships and over $8,000 in grants is available. Remind your members who are eligible to apply by December 31, 2020 to take advantage of this opportunity!

To apply, call 1-888-ARCANUM or visit

  • Applications are due by December 31, 2020. Please include a photograph of yourself in your application that we can use for advertising winners.
  • All components of the application must be submitted and completed by March 31, 2021.
Do you know of family or friends with children that are not yet members? Talk to them today about signing up so they can take advantage of this golden opportunity when they reach college age! It's just one of the many benefits of membership.

   Christmas Gifts for Juniors

There is nothing more exciting than the arrival of the holiday season!  It's the perfect time for family get-togethers, seeing friends, holiday parties, the arrival of Santa, and the holiday cheer that fills the air.

Unfortunately, this year, with the pandemic and social distancing, everything will be different and we continue to adapt to a new "normal" routine.  I do not know if any jurisdictions in the United States and Canada will be able to host their holiday parties for our junior members, but Christmas gifts will be available from the home office in November as always.  Have your council officer fill out the form requesting gifts or call the home office.
A postcard is being mailed out to promote the college grants and scholarships that are available.  As a reminder, applications need to be received no later than December 31st to be considered.
Wishing you all a safe Halloween and a blessed Thanksgiving.
Yours in VMC
Errica Conforto

   Highlights of the Executive Committee Meeting

The Supreme Council Executive Committee met by teleconference on September 15, 2020. Many topics were discussed, but the brief highlights are:

  • Our investment performance from the end of February through the end of August was down less than 1%
  • Pennsylvania's Penn Laurel Council membership was transferred to Integrity Council in Philadelphia
  • The Home Office has a new Administration system, and it has gone live
  • The Home Office reported on new initiatives with Heartland Medical Supplement, a PreNeed change that should save about $80,000 annually, progress on getting licensed in Texas and Indiana, and gathering of member email addresses. The Home Office is fully operational through partial in-office staff and partial work-from-home staff. We have been approved for the government's Payroll Protection Program since we did not have to reduce any Home Office employees due to the pandemic.
  • The Ohio Grand Council has been reactivated!
  • The "Planting Seeds Together" program wrapped up on September 30. Thanks to all who participated!
  • Sales of new policies so far this year have already matched all sales last year, pointing toward a very good year for the Royal Arcanum

   Virtual Meetings Using Zoom

In the lasts two newsletters, we covered holding meetings by email and by teleconference. This time, we're stepping up to video conferencing using Zoom. Zoom is a video conferencing service that is very popular: schools are using it to teach remotely. The political party conventions were held using Zoom. Late Night TV talk shows and news stations use Zoom to continue deliver their shows while away from their normal studios. This same technology is available to us!

To use Zoom for your council meetings, at least one person in your council should sign up for an account at It's free, with limits, or with no limits your council would likely meet for a monthly or annual fee. The rest of your members need only download the Zoom app on their phone, tablet, or computer from the Zoom download page, When you install it, you may (but need not) sign up for your own account.

Installation is quick and in no time at all, you should be able to join a Zoom meeting. They even host if you want to try things out. Zoom also has a lot training information. If you are interested, there are a number of Zoom "How-To" videos.

Need some help? Contact us and ask for help from the Executive Committeeon using Zoom. We're happy to help!

As always, let us know if your council is holding any kind of virtual meeting, we want to share your success stories.

   Roy's Corner

Roy has been getting into the seasonal changes in the Illinois Jurisdiction. The summer months were spent lounging around and reading books, but with the cool weather arriving, Roy went out to see the leaves change colors.

And with the changing colors, Roy also knows it's time for Halloween. He knows he has to stay safe and stay at least 6 feet away from everyone else, but he wanted to be sure, so he donned his mask. He hasn't yet decided on a costume, but he sure looks ready!

Let us know what Roy is doing in your area! Even if Roy isn't with you, let us know what you're doing.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Oct 06, 2020
Newsletter #2

Hi Member, 

We have a nice selection of information for you this time, and are looking for a few responses, too.

   A Message From

The Fraternal / Communications Director

Dear Friends,

I sincerely thank and acknowledge Fraternal Committees in jurisdictions throughout the United States and Canada for their allegiance to our Society’s main objective – Charity.  During this unprecedented time when many charitable organizations are struggling to keep their doors open, the benevolent spirit of Royal Arcanum’s fraternalists is being exemplified with compassion and concern. Their generous support in providing donations of funds, goods and other essentials is helping ensure that the mission of service will continue. 

As the harvest season approaches, let’s be thankful for our blessings and remember to share them with others.  We are very fortunate to live in the land of the free and home of the brave.  Please thank a veteran for their service.

Yours in VMC,


   Scholarship Winners: Have You Submitted Your Tuition Bill This Year?

Scholarship winners: please note that in order for funds to be sent to the school, the student must submit their tuition bill and include their student IDeach year. A letter is sent out annually as a reminder to scholarship winners, but sometimes those letters may be missed, so please be sure to complete this important task.

We need to ensure that students receiving scholarships are still enrolled before we send funds to that school. We wouldn't want your scholarship funds lost because you changed schools and your money was lost by your old school -- that's just one reason why we need this completed annually. Please call our office at 888-ARCANUM if you are a scholarship winner and have any questions.

   2021 Calendars

Looking ahead to a new year? We are! And we're readying our order for 2021 Royal Arcanum pocket calendars. We're looking to ensure we don't order too many or too few, so we need some help on sizing the ordering. To make sure we get this right and don't double-count, we urge you to contact your council secretary if you want a pocket calendar for 2021.

Secretaries: Please let us know the number of 2021 pocket calendars your council would like. Be sure to let us know by October 15 to give the printers the time they need. Thanks!

   Bulletin Deadline: October 9

If you have any articles for the upcoming Bulletin, please submit them as soon as possible. We have a firm deadline of October 9 to have the best chance of the Bulletins getting out to our members on time. Articles received after the deadline will be considered for the next quarterly Bulletin.

As always, be sure to include a high-res photo if you're including pictures, and be sure to identify everyone in the photos. Thanks!

   Membership Has Its Perks

Did you know that as a member of the Royal Arcanum, you are entitled to shopping discounts? We're members of, an online discount shopping service, and all our members are eligible to use this service. You can save on travel, computers, movies, cell phones, food, and more! Our web site outlines some of the benefits that are yours. Just go to and sign up or log in, and start saving!

   Virtual Meetings Using Teleconferencing

Last newsletter, we talked about using email and phone calls to go back and forth with members to hold a virtual meeting. Wouldn't it be nice if we could all just talk at the same time? Teleconferences allow many people to all be on the same phone call at once, and might be a way to hold a virtual meeting. But there are a few tricks that will make those teleconferences work so much better.

Much like meeting in person, if any person on a teleconference talks, everybody who is on can hear. That's great! But what if several different people start talking at once? Just like in-person meetings, it makes anyone hard to hear or understand. When you're meeting in person, you may respond to visual clues to realize somebody else is speaking as you wait for your chance to add to the conversation. Maybe you've had to quietly remind the person next to you that someone else has the floor and pay attention to a quiet speaker across the room. On a teleconference, there isn't any easy way to quietly nudge someone to remind them. Still, there are some techniques that can be used that can help out.

If you want to try to hold a teleconference meeting for your council, you need to first secure a teleconference service. Most of our members probably don't have access to a service, but the Royal Arcanum does have a service, and can allow your council to use it if it's available and you reserve it in advance.

Once you've secured the line for your meeting, let your members know in your usual way the date and the time of the meeting, and provide them with the teleconference information. Each attending member, on the date and at the time of the meeting, will need to call a special teleconference number, then enter a special code that will authenticate them for the meeting. As long as the host of the meeting has already dialed in, they will be placed in conference with each other for your meeting.

There is a special role needed for this: the meeting host. The meeting host should be familiar with teleconferences, and ideally will have experience hosting them. They have extra duties to facilitate the meeting and to help your members hold a successful meeting. We can provide a meeting host if you would like one.

Some tips to keep in mind:

  • Pay attention to the meeting host. The host will invite people to speak when needed or remind them to defer their talking while someone else has the floor.
  • Call from a quiet place. If there is a lot of background noise when you call, that noise will often be picked up by your phone and make it hard for everyone to hear.
  • Mute your phones when not talking. Placing yourself on mute when you are not talking helps tremendously in cutting out background noise and allows the speaker to be heard. Many phones, such as mobile phones, have a mute button built in. If your phone doesn't have a mute button, you can still use your audio PIN and a *6 button sequence.
  • Secretaries: use a hands-free device if you can. In order to take meeting minutes during a call, it helps to have a speaker phone or earphones or some other hands-free device so you can take notes during the meeting.
  • Meeting hosts: your job is to make the meeting run smoothly.Remember members should be invited when to speak or asked to refrain from speaking when someone else has the floor. Ask those not speaking to mute when another is talking. Remember to ask for member comments and remind members to unmute to speak: the regent may need some help with this, especially if there are several members who want to speak at once. Your role as facilitator is to help the regent in the meeting.
  • Remember the meeting may sound more structured or formal than your usual meetings. It will feel different from meeting in person, but it's easy once you get used to it. Why not give it a try?
We would love to have all our councils meeting virtually, either by email and phone as described in the last newsletter, or by teleconference, or by some other way. Please let us know what you've tried, and how it worked for you. Happy meeting!

   Roy's Corner

What's a Home-bound Bear to Do?

With the change of seasons and changes during the pandemic, our travel bear, Roy Al Arcanum, is turning his thoughts from traveling to staying in his den. He's looking for some ideas to keep him occupied.

What's Roy doing in your home? Drop us a line (and a picture) of Roy helping you cook and share a favorite recipe. Is Roy helping you with a problem? Let us know your fix-it solution. Perhaps Roy has a humorous story to share. Send usyour hints, tips, recipes, and stories and we'll share them in future newsletters.

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Supreme Council of the Royal Arcanum
61 Batterymarch St
BostonMA 02110-3208

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