Section 19 (1), 20, and 21 of the Constitution The offices, including the committees, shall remain the same. By March 15 of the year of the Supreme Council Session, the Chairperson of the Supreme Council Executive Committee shall appoint a Committee on Nominations consisting of four Supreme Council Session members (current or past), representing the diversity of our Order, plus the Supreme Regent, who will serve as chairperson for the purpose of developing a slate of officers for the ensuing Supreme Council Session. It is suggested that an announcement of this appointed committee and the nominations procedure be included in the “CALL” to the Session and in the Fall Edition of the Bulletin. At the REGISTRATION DESK on OPENING DAY of the Supreme Council Session a list of the Nominations will be distributed to the representatives. It is recommended that a brief bio of not more than 75 words for each nominee be included. Only for those officers seeking Election to an Executive Committee position, a biography of no more than 200 words is recommended. Lengthier submissions will not be evaluated. On THE SECOND DAY of the Supreme Council Session additional nominations may be made from the floor. All those being nominated shall have been contacted by the member making the nomination in order to insure that those being nominated are willing to have their names on the slate. A bio on each nominee of not more than 75 words would be helpful. (A resolution will be presented at the beginning calling for nominations on the second day.) On THE THIRD DAY of the Supreme Council Session, printed ballots including the names of all nominees shall be distributed. In the case of the Line Officers and the Executive Committee, there must be individual ballots (unless the Constitution is changed), but the other committees may be elected on one ballot. Additional nominations will not be entertained at this time. Delegates will cast their votes, which will be counted by the two appointed tellers and the Judge of Elections, who will count the votes. (A resolution will be presented at the beginning to nominate and elect all Committeepersons and Trustees, collectively unless there is a contested election. In the case of the two Finance Committee Members, Supreme Trustees, Committee on Juniors and Committee on Appeals, if there are more than four nominees, the four receiving the highest vote will be declared winners). THE NOMINEE with the majority of votes based on our established ratio between delegates and officers, shall win the election to his or her respective office. In the case of the committees, the required members for each committee with the highest number of votes shall be elected (the four Supreme Trustees, the three members of the Committee on Laws, the two additional members of the Finance Committee, the four members of the Committee on Juniors, and the four members of the Committee on Appeals). Send bios to Chairman James O’Neill, 6196 Kaski Court, San Jose, CA 95123 or email to: Bios should in the Chairman’s hands by January 31, 2022. |