Tuesday, December 28, 2021


Dec 28, 2021
Newsletter #34

Hi Member,

As the year draws to a close, here's to hoping that 2021 was kind to you, and hoping that 2022 will be a very happy year!

   Calling for Nominations for Supreme Council Offices

Section 19 (1), 20, and 21 of the Constitution

The offices, including the committees, shall remain the same.

By March 15 of the year of the Supreme Council Session, the Chairperson of the Supreme Council Executive Committee shall appoint a Committee on Nominations consisting of four Supreme Council Session members (current or past), representing the diversity of our Order, plus the Supreme Regent, who will serve as chairperson for the purpose of developing a slate of officers for the ensuing Supreme Council Session. It is suggested that an announcement of this appointed committee and the nominations procedure be included in the “CALL” to the Session and in the Fall Edition of the Bulletin.

At the REGISTRATION DESK on OPENING DAY of the Supreme Council Session a list of the Nominations will be distributed to the representatives. It is recommended that a brief bio of not more than 75 words for each nominee be included. Only for those officers seeking Election to an Executive Committee position, a biography of no more than 200 words is recommended. Lengthier submissions will not be evaluated.

On THE SECOND DAY of the Supreme Council Session additional nominations may be made from the floor. All those being nominated shall have been contacted by the member making the nomination in order to insure that those being nominated are willing to have their names on the slate. A bio on each nominee of not more than 75 words would be helpful. (A resolution will be presented at the beginning calling for nominations on the second day.)

On THE THIRD DAY of the Supreme Council Session, printed ballots including the names of all nominees shall be distributed. In the case of the Line Officers and the Executive Committee, there must be individual ballots (unless the Constitution is changed), but the other committees may be elected on one ballot. Additional nominations will not be entertained at this time. Delegates will cast their votes, which will be counted by the two appointed tellers and the Judge of Elections, who will count the votes. (A resolution will be presented at the beginning to nominate and elect all Committeepersons and Trustees, collectively unless there is a contested election. In the case of the two Finance Committee Members, Supreme Trustees, Committee on Juniors and Committee on Appeals, if there are more than four nominees, the four receiving the highest vote will be declared winners).

THE NOMINEE with the majority of votes based on our established ratio between delegates and officers, shall win the election to his or her respective office. In the case of the committees, the required members for each committee with the highest number of votes shall be elected (the four Supreme Trustees, the three members of the Committee on Laws, the two additional members of the Finance Committee, the four members of the Committee on Juniors, and the four members of the Committee on Appeals).

Send bios to Chairman James O’Neill, 6196 Kaski Court, San Jose, CA 95123 or email to: oneillje@comcast.net.

Bios should in the Chairman’s hands by January 31, 2022.

   Reserve your place at the Session

The Royal Arcanum 105th Supreme Council Session is accepting reservations. Come join us at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Annapolis, Maryland from Sunday, March 27 through Thursday, March 31.

Reservations with a deposit of $50.00 per adult must be received by February 24, 2022. All reservations must be made through the Royal Arcanum Home Office. Please complete the reservation form and send it in to reserve your place.

   Last chance for scholarship applications

All 2022 Royal Arcanum Scholarship Applications must be received by December 31, 2021. There are only a few days left to meet the application deadline. Call today at 1-888-ARCANUM or visit our website to begin the application process.

  • Initial applications are due by December 31, 2021.
    • Please include a photograph of yourself with your application; we will use it in the Bulletin to advertise winners.
  • Once your application is received, you will be contacted on the next steps required; the initial application is not the final step in the process. If you don't hear from them, be sure to follow up to make sure your application was received. Since the application must be received before the end of the year, be sure to apply now!
  • The remaining components of the application process must be submitted and completed by March 31, 2022.

   Bulletin article deadline is approaching

Do you have some news from your council to share and publish in the Winter 2022 bulletin? There are only a few weeks left to meet the publishing deadline.
  • Send pictures and stories of your Christmas activities
  • Let us know about your recent fraternal and charitable activities
  • Share any interesting news about your members

The Bulletin editors are always looking for news and interesting topics about our members. Share your stories by sending in an article today.

   Happy New Year to One and All

Wishing you and all your loved ones a happy new year!

Looking for some New Year's resolutions? Here are some wonderful ideas! Pick one or more of these ideas, or share ideas of your own. You'll help to make 2022 a better year for you and for others. Every small gesture of fraternalism helps to grow the spirit of the Royal Arcanum and makes our world a better place.
  • Reach out to a member you haven't spoken to this year. Our second year in the pandemic may have kept you from talking to one of your own council members, or made you miss someone in another jurisdiction. Call or write to them. Consider reaching out to a council member who has never attended meetings and invite them to your next social event.
  • Participate in one new charitable project. Resolve to give a little of yourself this year by participating in just one additional project. Make someone else and yourself feel better through your acts of kindness.
  • Enhance your council meeting. Bring a fresh idea to one of your council meetings this year to make it inspire your other members. Be creative! Bring a quick, hands-on project for everyone to share, or bring an article to read to inspire everyone. Even consider a guest speaker, perhaps from one of the organizations you support. Think of just one extra sparkle to share with your members.
  • Invite one new person to your council meeting. Of course it can be hard to convince someone to attend meetings, but it's surprisingly easy to askthem. They may decline your invitation, but then again, they may not. It's always nice to be invited.
  • Invite one non-member to join the Royal Arcanum. Doesn't it sound appealing to be part of a group that reaches out in friendship, supports charitable organizations, has exciting meetings, and extends invitations to new people? That's what we stand for and have for nearly a century and a half. Share your joy with someone sometime this year!

Tuesday, December 14, 2021


Dec 14, 2021
Newsletter #33

Hi Member,

The holiday season is in full swing! Here are a few year-end tidbits to start your day.

   December is the Month of...

The last month of the year is certainly a busy month. That's not just for holiday celebrations! Look at all the things that call December their month.

December's Numbers Game

December was originally the last month in the calendar, but the tenth month, and so the name December. But that's not the only numbers jumble for this month: It originally only had 30 days. Around 700 BC, when the winter months of January and February were added, December's days were changed -- shortening it by one day, leaving it with only 29 days. It wasn't until the Julian calendar was introduced that it gained back that day with interest, giving it 31 days.

Bill of Rights Day

December 15 is known as Bill of Rights Day, which commemorates the ratification of the first 10 amendments to the constitution on December 15, 1791. The celebration of this event was first officially recognized in 1941.

Wright Brothers Day

Time flies, but what did it do before the invention of the airplane? That and other aviation trivia can be discussed on December 17, Wright Brothers Day. On that day in 1903, Orville Wright flew their plane for about 12 seconds, covering 120 feet. His brother Wilburalso flew the plane that day, for an astonishing 852 feet and 59 seconds.

Winter Solstice

December 21 will be the shortest amount of daylight in the northern hemisphere. The solstice will occur at 10:59 A.M. EST, and it marks the astronomical first day of winter. As the days begin to lengthen, the coldest weather of the year sets in. So bundle up, but enjoy the extra sunshine.

National Handwashing Awareness Week
National Influenza Vaccination Week

Both of these important health awareness weeks have just passed, but if you missed them, don't ignore them. National Handwashing Awareness Week was December 1 - 7, and National Influenza Vaccination Week was December 5 - 11. Both contribute to a healthier you and make things healthier for those around you.

   Less Than a Month to Apply for Scholarships

The 2022 Royal Arcanum Scholarship Application window closes in less than a month! Eligible members have many opportunities to win scholarships or grant money, but only if their application arrives on time.

Call today at 1-888-ARCANUM or visit our website to begin the application process.

  • Initial applications are due by December 31, 2021.
    • Please include a photograph of yourself with your application; we will use it in the Bulletin to advertise winners.
  • Once your application is received, you will be contacted on the next steps required; the initial application is not the final step in the process. If you don't hear from them, be sure to follow up to make sure your application was received. Since the application must be received before the end of the year, be sure to apply now!
  • The remaining components of the application process must be submitted and completed by March 31, 2022.

   Keeping Councils Active

As the colder weather moves in, it may be harder for your council to stay active. We all long for the "before" times, and thanks to all we've learned, we should be able to get back to staying connected. Even with the new omicron variant spreading, we now know the successes and limitations of social distancing, masking, handwashing, and vaccines. We've also learned of the differences when gathering with those we don't live with: how viruses spread differently based on indoor or outdoor activity and who is part of the gathering.

For our councils, this can mean a return to something closer to pre-pandemic times. For those lucky enough to be in warmer weather climates, meeting somewhere in the open air -- or with good air exchange, such as with open windows -- the risk of infections is reduced greatly. For colder climate areas, meeting indoors in winter is a must, but risks can still be minimized. Are all your members vaccinated and exercising safe practices? Meeting in person may be viable. Is your meeting space isolated from nonmembers? Perhaps using a restaurant that has a private room, with wait staff that masks, is a reasonable option. Perhaps one of your members can host a meeting at their house? These and other creative ideas can help our councils stay connected.

Don't forget to try whatever works. Perhaps only small groups meet together at one time. Telephone, text, or email each other to keep in touch. The Royal Arcanum Video Chat tool is another great, free option.

How is your council staying connected? Let us know and share a few stories or pictures to inspire other members.

For example, Members of Medora Council #1648 recently found a way to reimagine with annual Christmas gathering. Last year, it was canceled out of an abundance of caution. This year, one member, Juanita Glassi, generously volunteered to host at her house. Attending members brought appetizers and desserts to share, and acting Regent Barabra Mugnolo brought a selection of Christmas-themed gifts to raffle off. It was the first in-person Medora gathering since before the pandemic began. While not all members were able to attend, and the typical full dinner party with restaurant wait staff didn't happen, the smaller fully vaccinated group was delighted to join together again.


   Have a Merry Christmas!

Sending you the best wishes for a very Merry Christmas season! We are happy you are our members and look forward to sharing our fraternal activities with you all again next year!

Send us pictures of your celebrations so we can share them in future newsletters and on Facebook! Don't forget to include release forms for any minors under age 13 that do not have a form already on file with the Home Office.