Our Home Office is going through a few changes, with the departure of Nick Benoit from his job as our Chief Operations Officer and our Chief Financial Officer John Crisanti's move to a new home and working remotely. Our well-trained staff isn't missing a beat in providing assistance for any fraternal or in continuing to keep the business side of things rolling. But did you know that there are many tasks you can initiate yourself, for either you or your council?
Our website, royalarcanum.com, provides access to brochures and forms that may answer your questions or allow you to initiate a task by yourself.
Our Products Do you need a refresher on the products we offer? Click on the PRODUCTSlink across the top of our website to get information on our insurance and annuity certificates. There's information about our Annuity offerings, Whole LifePlans, Limited Payment policies, and our Medicare Supplement Plan.
Individual product brochures are available to download and print for handy reference. If you're not sure which type of product might be best, why not look over our Timeline brochure to see what might be most appropriate? Program Outlines and Forms There are many programs offered to councils to inspire your members in their fraternal activities, many of which can bring funds into your council's coffers. From our home page, click on FORMS to access council and member forms. Policyholder Forms The most common forms you might need to help manage your existing policy can be found in this section. Important updates such as the Change of Address Form or the Change of Beneficiary Form can be found in this section. Fraternal/Council Forms Council Secretaries will love this section! It contains the links for the annual reports for Grand Councils and Subordinate Councils, but it also provides access to our Fraternal program outlines and forms. Deadlines are this month for completing a project for the Lorraine J. D'Emilio Legacy of Hope Award and for filing last year's Fraternalism in Action report. Familiarize yourself with the programs that can help the coffers of your council. Privacy Forms Our policy for Children's Online Privacy Protection can be found here, as well as a release form to allow us to use video, photos, or audio of minors under the age of 13. Junior Forms Councils who will request Christmas Gifts for Juniors can find the request form here. Scholarship Forms Applications for our Scholarships and Grants are available from this page, too. Those applications are due each year by December 31st, so bookmark these links for next autumn's application window. Completed form can be mailed to the Home Office. Many of the forms can be emailed to the Home Office at info@royalarcanum.com for faster service. |
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