Tuesday, May 7, 2024


May 07, 2024
Newsletter #71

Hi Member,

Happy May! The fifth month of the year is named after the Roman goddess Maia, who oversaw the growth of plants. May explodes with new growth and flowering plants and new life. May's full moon is known as the Flower Moon and arrives this month on the 23rd.

106th Supreme Council Session

This July, the Royal Arcanum will hold its 106th Supreme Council Session in Baltimore, Maryland, at the Hyatt Regency Inner Harbor Hotel. Read about the exciting plans and register to attend.

Supreme Council Representatives

Grand Councils, don't forget to ensure you have representatives at the Supreme Council Session to represent your members.

May is the Month of...

Awareness Days, Holidays, Observances, Fun Days, and Historical events are presented for this month.

Charitable Activities Highlights

2024 IFS projects have begun to be submitted. Read about the latest fraternal projects.
College News

College-bound seniors should set aside some time this May to prepare for their future.

Inspirational Quote

This month's quote challenges us with a new way to think about things.

Upcoming Dates

Update your calendar with these important dates.

   The 106th Supreme Council Session


We're excited about the upcoming Supreme Council Session this July, and we hope you are, too. Our session returns to the site of our mini-vacation in 2017. Baltimore's Inner Harbor, once the site of their steel mills and shipbuilding industries, has been transformed into a vacation paradise with shopping and restaurants reachable through short walks and by water taxi.

The Session

Officers, representatives, and guests arrive on Sunday, July 28 to check into their rooms and pick up their registration packages. The Session will open on Monday morning, July 29, and conclude on Tuesday afternoon, July 30. Your officers have been working to condense the Session to get the essential business done quickly and to incorporate our society's fraternal ceremonies to deliver an efficient and fulfilling experience.

Representatives and officers should dress business casual for official Session meetings and society ceremonies. There will not be a formal white-jacket dinner, nor will suits or sports jackets be required for the Session meetings. Jackets or sweaters may be worn for comfort if desired.

The Site

The Session will be held at Hyatt Regency Baltimore Inner Harbor, the same site as the 2017 mini-vacation. Attending the Session includes a Welcome dinner on Sunday evening and a Red, White & Blue themed farewell dinner on Tuesday evening. Monday dinner is on your own, allowing attendees and visitors to explore the restaurants along the inner harbor area and enjoy the atmosphere offered.

Daily breakfast vouchers will be provided, and a stipend will be provided for Monday evening dinner for officers and representatives. Internet access is available in guest rooms and social spaces. Each room includes a flat-screen TV, climate control, a full bath with a hairdryer, a coffee maker, an iron, and an ironing board.

The Inner Harbor Area

Late July usually provides a warm summer experience, with lower near 70 ºF and highs around 90 ºF. The weather should be perfect for enjoying the immediate harbor area or taking a water taxi to visit more than 30 attractions and neighborhoods.



By air: BWI is the recommended airport; it is about 12 miles away from the hotel

By train: The recommended AMTRAK station is BWI Thurgood Marshall, Amtrak/MARC Station, which is also about 12 miles from the hotel.

By car: Self-parking is available at the hotel, at the cost of $20 per vehicle per night for registered guests.


Reservations are required for everyone: all officers, representatives, and guests. A deposit of $50 per person is also required. Use the reservation from the latest Bulletin.

   Representatives for the Session


Each Grand Council in good standing is allowed a minimum of two representatives to the Supreme Council Session, and more if they have sufficient membership. Representative votes count for more than officers to ensure the membership retains control of the society. Electing a new slate of officers set the direction of the leadership of our organization.

The Home Office has identified the number of representatives your jurisdiction is entitled to have. Encourage your subordinate councils to become Supreme Council representatives. Note that being a past Regent is no longer a requirement! The constitution was amended to allow all who have been members for at least 3 years and in good standing to serve as representatives for their jurisdiction. First-time representatives provide for more available members to run for Supreme Council offices.

Trips to the Session for representatives include reimbursed travel expenses and trip costs, to the extent approved by the Supreme Council. Organize your representatives, or alternates if needed, to set the course for the Royal Arcanum until our next Session.

   May is the month of...






Lupus Awareness Month


May is Lupus Awareness Month, where the goal is to promote understanding of the disorder and how it affects people. Lupus is a chronic, autoimmune disease that affects many different parts of the body. The body's immune system attacks itself, becoming unable to differentiate between healthy tissue and foreign invaders such as bacteria and viruses. It can be hard to diagnose because its symptoms are often mistaken for other diseases.



Lyme Disease Awareness Month


Lyme disease is caused by a tick-borne parasite, typically causing fever, headache, fatigue, and a characteristic skin rash. Left untreated, the infection can spread to the joints, heart, and nervous system. It has been around for thousands of years but was first described by the German physician Alfred Buchwald less than 150 years ago; It was first recognized in the United States in the 1960s, and the bacteria that causes it wasn't officially classified until 1981. Learn how to prevent it and recognize its symptoms this month to ensure early treatment if infected.



Older Americans Month


Administration for Community Living (ACL) observes Older Americans Month (OAM) every May. Originally called Senior Citizens Month, it focuses on identifying ways that older men and women can help stay in control of their lives through social activities, caring for their health and well-being, and remaining connected to others. It aims to deal with the issues of social isolation that exist in many senior centers.





National Wildflower Week

1st Full Week of May, May 5-11, 2024


Celebrate the colorful blossoms and other flora in the landscapes of our mountainsides, pastures, prairies, and backyards. Wildflowers help create a habitat for indigenous creatures, conserve water, and reduce erosion. May is the perfect time to begin planting a wildflower garden.




Food Allergy Awareness Week

2nd Full Week of May, May 12-18, 2024


Food Allergy Awareness Week (FAAW) is dedicated to raising awareness and fostering support for people with food allergies. There are about 20 million people in the U.S. who have food allergies. Any food can cause a food allergy, but the most common allergens in the United States are peanuts, tree nuts, milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, wheat, soy, and sesame. Allergies can develop at any age, but they most commonly begin in childhood, and children with food allergies are more likely to have asthma or other allergic diseases. Take time this week to learn the simple ways you can help improve the lives of people with food allergies.



National EMS Week

3rd Full Week of May, May 19-25, 2024


This year is the 50th anniversary of National EMS Week, celebrating the Emergency Medical Technicians who dedicate their lives to protecting the safety and health of others. These highly skilled professionals are often the first on the scene to provide emergency medical services. This year's theme is "Honoring Our Past. Forging Our Future." Thank your EMS community for their hard work and dedication!




World Tuna Day

May 2


The United Nations declared that World Tuna Day would be observed every year, beginning in 2017, to raise awareness of the dwindling numbers of tuna fish. While they have been fished and eaten for millennia, commercial fishing methods are driving the fish toward unsustainability. Celebrate the tuna, learning about their place in our environment and their importance throughout many cultures and cuisines.




Root Canal Appreciation Day

May 12


Is there really a day set aside to appreciate root canals? Yes! They save teeth and help us to appreciate our dental professionals. Celebrate the advancements in modern root canals by dispelling the myths and fears of root canals and remembering the value of maintaining healthy teeth. Thank your dentist for your root canal -- or lack of them because of their preventative work.




Missing Children's Day

May 25


In 1983, President Ronald Reagan designated May 25 National Missing Children's Day, the date Etan Patz went missing in New York City on his way to school. Etan's disappearance in 1979 was a rare case of missing children getting national attention, sadly accompanied by nearly 30 missing children murdered in Atlanta from 1979 to 1981. International Missing Children's Day was declared in 2001 to be May 25, taking the effort to protect our children globally. Take the time to honor this day by learning how to protect the children in your community.



Holidays and Observances


Law Day - May 1

First declared by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1958, Law Day has been proclaimed to highlight the importance of the legal system. This year's theme is "Voices of Democracy" to recognize that for nearly 250 years, Americans have expressed their political views and wishes by speaking their minds and voting in elections. Celebrate our system of laws and our 60th presidential election this year through your participation in the rule of law, and cultivate a deeper understanding of the legal system.



Truman Day - May 8

Missouri celebrates the only president from its state on his birthday. Harry S. Truman became president after serving as vice president for 82 days, upon the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt. He oversaw the end of World War II through the controversial decision to use the first and only atomic weapons in warfare. He won reelection in an unexpected underdog win over Thomas E. Dewey (Republican) and Strom Thurmond (Dixiecrat), with the Chicago Tribune rushing the incorrect headline "Dewey Defeats Truman" to press before the late-night vote counting swung to his favor for the win. Despite an attempt to abolish the holiday after the 2008-2010 financial crisis, this remains a Missouri state holiday.



Peace Officers Memorial Day - May 15

The United States pays tribute to the local, state, and federal peace officers who have been disabled or died in the line of duty on Peace Officers Memorial Day. The holiday was passed on October 1, 1961, by Congressional authorization and signed into law by President John F. Kennedy on October 1, 1962.




Fun Days


Set your toes free on No Socks Day on May 8! Put the sand and the grass under your feet and directly connect with the world. It was created by actor Thomas Roy and his wife Ruth, stating it creates less laundry, which is good for the environment. Walking without socks is good for your health, too, training the vestibular system, stimulating nerve endings, strengthening muscles, and improving blood flow to the feet. 



Flap your arms, wiggle, mimic pecking for seeds, and have some silly fun on Dance Like a Chicken Day on May 14. Learn the "fowl" history of the Swiss accordionist Werner Thomas who penned Der Ententanz (The Duck Dance) in the 1950s, probably as an Oktoberfest drinking song. The title was later changed to Vogeltanz (The Bird Dance) and changed again to the familiar The Chicken Dance upon its arrival in America in the 1970s.



Since the 1930s, the people of Capistrano have celebrated the return of swallows to their city on March 19. Tom and Ruth Roy invented the history of the fun celebration Slugs Return from Capistrano Day by reasoning that the slugs that wintered in Capistrano are in danger of being eaten by the hungry birds' arrival. They said the slugs start returning to gardens on that day, but because they are so slow, it can take up to two months for them to arrive. And so, May 28 was chosen for this celebration. Celebrate with them in your garden in whatever way you choose.



Historical Events


May 1, 1707: On this day in history, Scotland joined with England and Wales (which joined England back in the 1500s) to form Great Britain. Northern Ireland later joined Great Britain into what is now the United Kingdom.

May 5, 1865: Decoration Day was first observed in the United States by decorating Civil War graves with flowers. The observance was moved in 1868 to May 30 and included decorating graves from other wars. It became known as Memorial Day, and in 1971, was moved to the last Monday of May.

May 7, 1992.: The 27th Amendment was ratified, prohibiting Congress from giving itself pay raises.

May 10, 1869: The expansion of travel to the west opened with the milestone of the Union Pacific railway being linked with the Central Pacific railway at Promontory Point, Utah. A golden spike was driven by the president of the Central Pacific to celebrate the linkage (and reportedly, he missed the spike on his first swing).

May 13, 1981: Pope John Paul II was shot twice while riding in an open automobile in St. Peter's Square in Rome. The Pope recovered and later forgave his would-be assassin in a private meeting. He has since been canonized as St. Pope John Paul II.

May 17, 1954: In a landmark ruling, the Supreme Court unanimously ruled, in Brown v. Board of Education, that segregation of public schools based solely on race was unequal and illegal. The case was argued by Thurgood Marshall, who later became the first African-American appointed to the Supreme Court.

May 24, 1844: The first official telegraph message, "What hath God wrought?" was sent by Samuel Morse from the Capital building in Washington, D.C. to Baltimore, Maryland.

May 29, 1453: The city of Constantinople was captured by the Turks, marking the end of the Byzantine Empire. They renamed the city Istanbul, which became the capital of the Ottoman Empire.

   Charitable Activities Highlights

Our members have already gotten into the giving spirit this year. Read about their projects, they may inspire your members to organize projects of their own.


Alpha-Agassiz #1 Supports the Pan-Mass Challenge


Kicking off the 2024 IFS projects, Alpha Agassiz has extended their long-time support of the Dana Farber Cancer Institute through its sponsorship in the Pan-Mass Challenge. The PMC's mission is to raise funds for cancer research and treatment at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, with 100% of every rider-raised dollar going directly to Dana-Farber. The Pan-Mass Challenge is an annual bike-a-thon that raises more money for charity than any other event in the country. It has raised more than $972 million since its founding in 1980. Best of luck to Beverly English, their sponsored rider for the August event!


The Grand Council of New York Donates to the Alzheimer's Association


The Grand Council of New York donated to the Alzheimer's Association in honor of Frances Magnotta. More than 55 million people worldwide are living with Alzheimer's, a degenerative brain disease that is the most common cause of dementia, robbing them of their memory and other thinking abilities and interfering with their daily lives. There is no cure for Alzheimer's disease, but the Alzheimer's Association works to find a cure and to uncover ways to prevent it and all other dementias while leading the way in finding treatment plans to reduce its impact.


Integrity #586 Helps Arch Street Methodist Church Fire Clean-up


Shortly before Easter, Arch Street Methodist Church in Philadelphia experienced a fire in their basement. Arch St. is the sponsor of many community outreach programs that Integrity has sponsored for many years. Luckily, the damage from the fire did not compromise the integrity of the historic church building. Members of Integrity Council wanted to provide them with a donation to help them cover some of the costs of cleaning up after their fire and made a generous donation to the church. Under the guidelines of the IFS Program, direct support to the church was not a qualifying IFS project, but their charitable gift is a wonderful representation of community fraternalism, and such gifts do qualify for recognition in the Fraternalism in Action Program.





   College News


College-bound High School Seniors, summer is coming! But there are still a few pesky details you need to keep in mind before relaxing into the long and sunny days.

Senior Finals


You may already started dreaming of your new adventure when you made your decision on where you'll attend college, but don't forget you still need to get through your final exams. Colleges have been known to revoke acceptance when a new student's final grades unexpectedly dropped. Put aside time to study to ensure your entrance into college goes as planned.

Incoming Freshmen List of Tasks


In between your final high school classes, don't forget to prepare for your autumn start of college. May is often the time to sign up for orientation. You may need to register for the online portal, and that may follow with other necessary registrations. May is also usually a deadline to submit financial aid information, and to accept or decline financial aid assistance from the school.

Scholarships may still be Available


Most scholarship applications are in the October through March timeframe (the Royal Arcanum scholarships, for instance, require application from September through December). Did you know that other scholarships have application deadlines at other times of the year? Look for potential college scholarships with College Raptor’s Scholarship Search tool or other sources to set yourself up for your upcoming financial costs.


   Inspirational quotes


“The best thing to do with the best things in life is to give them away.”

―   Dorothy Day

   Upcoming dates


Mark your calendar with these important dates:

  • Spring Bulletin publication date: May 4, 2024
  • Monthly Lend A Hand - Lift A Heart submission deadline: May 31, 2024
  • Donald E. Ferry Spirit of Service Award Projects Begin: June 1, 2024
  • Summer begins with the Summer Solstice: June 20, 2024
  • Royal Arcanum Day: June 23, 2024
  • Grand and Subordinate Council Reports Due: June 30, 2024
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