Tuesday, June 4, 2024


June 04, 2024
Newsletter #72

Hi Member,

Light the candles! The Royal Arcanum turns 147 years old this month. Come celebrate with us at our Session in Baltimore in July.

Session Reminder

Reservations and nominations for the upcoming session are due soon.

Executive Committee Meeting Highlights

Catch up on the highlights of what your Execute Committee is doing from their last meeting.

June is the Month of...

Awareness Days, Holidays, Observances, Fun Days, and Historical events are presented for this month.

Charitable Activities Highlights

Get inspired by the projects other Arcanians are supporting.
College News

It's summer break time, so just a few tips for this month for college students.

Inspirational Quote

You have a fighting chance to remember the author of this month's quote

Upcoming Dates

Update your calendar with these important dates.

   Preparing for the Session


The Supreme Council Session is fast approaching. Be prepared and join us in Baltimore this July. Nomination information is available in the latest Bulletin on page 20, and the reservation form is available on page 30.

Nominations Deadline

Those wishing to run for office at the 106th Supreme Council Session should be sure to submit their bios to Chairman Cynthia Macon, 24 East 43rd Street, Bayonne NJ 07002. You can also email it to her at CAJMacon@aol.com. All bios should be in the Chairman's hands by June 20 so they can be submitted to the Nomination Committee.

Reservations Deadline

The deadline for reservations is July 1st, and are required for everyone attending. A deposit of $50 per person is also required.

Summer Gifting Project

In keeping with our tradition, a summer gifting project will be part of the fraternal program at the Supreme Council Session. This year's recipient will be St. Elizabeth School for special needs students, ages 6-21. Councils and members are encouraged to participate in and support the project in Baltimore. For those unable to attend, please coordinate your support through Fraternal Director Cindy Macon.

   Executive Committee Meeting Highlights


The Executive Committee of the Supreme Council met in April, and here are some items of note from that meeting.

  • The excellent associates at the Home Office continue to process the increasing amount of applications with expected turn-around times. Their dedication and work ethic is exemplary.
  • Supreme Regent Maria DiBartolo continues to share her Into the Future program and is thankful to all councils and jurisdictions for their good work. Her Cereal Box Campaign experiences continued support.
  • Members of the Junior Committee sent 119 birthday cards to Juniors ages 1 to 12 and 81 Valentine’s Day cards to Juniors ages 0 through 6.
  • Juniors Marilou Decha and Meredith Benoit received Youth of the Year awards for 2023, and each received a $300 monetary award and a certificate from the Junior Department
  • The Fraternal Department continues to promote volunteerism programs and has set a goal to have every “active” subordinate council organize at least one fraternal-charitable activity or to make a charitable donation in the name of the council this year
  • Claremont Council #1655 was the recipient of the 2023 Donald E. Ferry Jr. Spirit of Service Award for their participation in the “Feeding the Children Program” at St. Theresa’s Food Pantry in the Bronx.
  • Versatility Council #2501 was the recipient of the 2023 Lorraine J. D’Emilio Legacy of Hope Award for the “St. Nick’s Workshop Volunteers Project” their members organized.
  • The Buddy Project program, in which cross-jurisdictional projects are organized to benefit charitable causes has successfully launched. Massachusetts, Florida, and Ohio joined to support the Lions Club's mission to help the vision impaired, while New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and California joined to support the homeless through their support of Arch Street United Methodist Church's Community Cares Programs.
  • The International Fraternal Service Program donated over $17,000 through programs supported by 9 subordinate and 5 grand councils.
  • The Executive Committee reviewed the Society's strategic goals presented by COO Nick Benoit. A new e-application was launched this year and potential new products are being researched. The Enterprise Risk Management Plan was updated. First-year premiums have increased by over 12.5% in 2023. The Royal Arcanum has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau.

   June is the month of...






Cataract Awareness Month


Cataracts are the leading cause of blindness in the United States, but they are treatable with a simple surgery that has a 95% success rate. Cataracts forming is a normal part of the aging process, and mostly affects those over 40, but can be caused by other factors that make it a possible eye condition for people of all ages. Cataract Awareness Month was created by the Prevent Blindness organization, with its roots reaching back to 1908 when a group of doctors realized that 30% of treatable causes of blindness were not being addressed.



Infertility Awareness Month


June is World Infertility Awareness Month. Infertility is an issue that as many as 48.5 million couples experience. Infertility problems can be related to female or male fertility. June is the month to dispel infertility myths and learn about options available to those who may want to conceive, hopefully improving the millions of people who fail to conceive through the use of scientific knowledge.



National Scoliosis Awareness Month


Scoliosis is a spinal deformity that affects appearance and posture, and during National Scoliosis Awareness Month, learn about the causes of this condition and ways to reduce its effects. Scoliosis was first identified by the Greeks around 400 B.C., and while there's no known cure, there are numerous options for reducing the effects that can be explored with your doctors.




Bed Bug Awareness Week

1st full week of June, June 2-8, 2024


In 2017, the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) designated the first week of June as Bed Bug Awareness Week to highlight the bed bug problem that was growing in America. The week is meant to raise awareness of the problem of bed bugs, their causes, and how to eliminate them. The first week of June was chosen to highlight the issues because this is often the beginning of travel season, and travelers often bring home these unwanted souvenirs from their vacations. Wash your bedsheets in hot water to get rid of them, and learn other strategies during this week.




National Headache Awareness Week

1st full week of June, June 2-8, 2024


This awareness week is a bit of a historical observance, as it grew from its 1989 beginnings in Illinois to a National Migraine and Headache Awareness Month in 2011. Millions suffer from headaches which are at times debilitating and the week was created to raise the understanding that headaches are a significant issue. Learn some avoidable causes of headaches and effective treatments during this week, then continue your learning journey throughout the month.



Animal Rights Awareness Week

3rd week of June, June 16-22, 2024


Animal cruelty, puppy mills, animal testing, and other harmful practices are an unfortunate reality that continues today. In Defense of Animals established Animal Rights Awareness Week in 1991 to raise awareness of animal rights and to stem the tide of human exploitation of animals. The concept of animal rights has been around for thousands of years, with legislation against animal cruelty going back at least to 1635, when laws were passed to ban the tearing of wool from live sheep. This week encourages us to only buy cruelty-free products and take other actions to recognize and protect the rights of animals.




Insect Repellent Awareness Day

June 3


Protect yourself from diseases such as malaria, Lyme disease, Zika virus, West Nile, and others through the use of insect repellent on June 3 and throughout the year. Insect Repellent Awareness Day was initiated by scientists at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine in 2014 to raise awareness of the value of the use of insect repellents.



Nystagmus Awareness Day

June 20


Nystagmus is an eye condition that can cause severe vision problems and other issues. Approximately 1 in 1000 babies are born with nystagmus, which is a condition of involuntary eye movement, but it can also occur later in life in adults. This awareness day is meant to increase knowledge of the condition, raise funds for research, and expand opportunities for education about Nystagmus.




National Insurance Awareness Day

June 28


This one is important to us and should be to all our members: National Insurance Awareness Day is observed on June 28 to remind us of the importance of maintaining the proper amount of insurance on our lives, cars, homes, and other forms of insurance to protect us against disaster from unforeseen events. It can be too easy to put off reviewing insurance needs or making sure beneficiaries and contact information are kept up to date. Don't put off these important tasks, celebrate this day by knowing your insurance has been reviewed and is up to date. 



Holidays and Observances


D-Day Remembrance Day - June 6

June 6 will mark the 80th anniversary of the largest amphibious operation in history as the Allied troops landed on the beaches of Normandy to begin the liberation of Europe. More than 4,000 Allied troops gave their lives when more than 150,000 soldiers fought to establish a beachhead and begin the end of World War II.



Bunker Hill Day - June 17

Massachusetts celebrates the Battle of Bunker Hill, part of the Siege of Boston that occurred in the first part of the American Revolution. While the British eventually won the Battle, it helped to rally people to the cause of the Revolution which eventually led to the establishment of the United States of America.



American Eagle Day - June 20

The bald eagle is one of the most recognized symbols of the United States, chosen by the Second Continental Congress on June 20, 1782. Their history since then was grim, with the bald eagle becoming endangered for extinction by 1967. Thankfully, causes for their decline, including the use of D.D.T. pesticides, were found and banned, and the species has recovered to a population of over 300,000 today.




Fun Days


For those who need a reason, Hug Your Cat Day is celebrated on June 4. Express your affection for the animal domesticated and worshiped by ancient Egyptians, but don't overdo it or risk getting scratched.



The North American Nature Photography Association (NANPA) celebrates Nature Photography Day on June 15 by turning your lens to the beauty of nature all around us. Visit your local park or your backyard, see it anew, and capture it with a snap or two.



Chocolate lovers, it's time to enjoy yet another day of celebration on Chocolate Pudding Day, observed annually on June 26. Enjoy it as a dessert or a snack (or why not make it a meal?) by making or buying the custardy treat. If one day isn't enough, you may need to practice celebrating early so you're ready on the 26th.



Historical Events


June 5, 1783: Brothers Joseph and Jacques Montgolfier in Annonay, France, launched their 33-foot-diameter globe aerostatique to achieve the first sustained hot-air balloon flight.

June 8, 1867: In Richland Center, Wisconsin, American architect Frank Lloyd Wright was born. He is considered the most influential architect of his time and designed about 1,000 structures, most famously prairie-style homes that featured low-pitched roofs and extended lines that blended into the landscape.

June 12, 1963: Civil rights leader Medgar Evers was assassinated in Jackson, Mississippi. He was active in seeking integration of schools and voter registration for African Americans in the South and helped spur  President John F. Kennedy to propose a comprehensive Civil Rights law.

June 13, 1966: The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the case of Miranda v. Arizona that an accused person must be apprised of certain rights before police questioning. Police now regularly read prisoners their constitutional, or Miranda, rights before questioning them.

June 14, 1775: The Continental Army was established as the first U.S. Military Service when the Second Continental Congress approved creating six companies of riflemen. The next day, George Washington was unanimously voted their commander.

June 20, 1782: The Great Seal of the United States is officially adopted by Congress, defining its design, the motto "E pluribus Unum" and the unfinished pyramid on the reverse.

June 22, 1918: A Michigan Central Railroad troop train plowed into the rear of the Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus train in Ivanhoe, Indiana, killing fifty-three circus performers and killing or maiming most of the circus animals. Only three of the circus performers could be identified,

June 25, 1876: General George A. Custer led 250 men into an attack on an encampment of Sioux Indians near Little Bighorn River in Montana. They were attacked by 2000-4000 Indian braves on the Little Bighorn Battlefield; Custer and all but one scout and one horse were killed in the battle the Sioux called the Battle of Greasy Grass, better known as 'Custer's Last Stand.'

   Charitable Activities Highlights

Here's the latest charitable project by our members.


Alpha-Agassiz #1 Gift of Adoption


The Royal Arcanum is lucky enough to have Nick Benoit, our Chief Operations Officer, on the board of the American Fraternal Alliance. The AFA's Spring Symposium from April 30 – May 2 sponsored the Fraternal1 Common Bond Race & Fundraiser, where attendees raced remote control cars to compete for bragging rights and to raise money for the Gift of Adoption Fund. The Gift of Adoption provides grants to complete the adoption of children who are in vulnerable circumstances, giving them a chance to thrive in a new, permanent home. As a member of Alpha-Agassiz, Nick brought this charity to their attention, and the members of Alpha-Agassiz eagerly supported the cause.





   College News



College Freshmen Tasks


It's time to get prepared for your next adventure! Check with your college to see when you should sign up for classes for the fall term. Many colleges will also have orientation this summer, check to see when yours is scheduled. It may also be time to sign up for housing on campus. 


   Inspirational quotes


“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.”

―    Muhammad Ali

   Upcoming dates


Mark your calendar with these important dates:

  • Donald E. Ferry Spirit of Service Award Projects Began: June 1, 2024
  • Summer begins with the Summer Solstice: June 20, 2024
  • Nomination Bio sent to the Chairman deadline: June 20, 2024
  • Royal Arcanum Day: June 23, 2024
  • Grand and Subordinate Council Reports Due: June 30, 2024
  • Monthly Lend A Hand - Lift A Heart submission deadline: June 30, 2024
  • Supreme Council Session reservation deadline: July 1, 2024
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