Tuesday, July 2, 2024


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July 02, 2024
Newsletter #73

Hi Member,

The heat of summer is here, and things are also heating up for us. We're excited about our upcoming Session to elect officers, sharing trivia about July, and highlighting our members' latest charitable efforts.

Session News

The Session is this month! Are you ready?

July is the Month of...

Awareness Days, Holidays, Observances, Fun Days, and Historical events are presented for this month.

Charitable Activities Highlights

Get inspired by the projects other Arcanians are supporting.
College News

This year's scholarship & grant winners have been announced!

Inspirational Quote

The late Prime Minister of the United Kingdom offers his perspective on life.

Upcoming Dates

Update your calendar with these important dates.

   The Session is this month

Our 106th Session is coming at the end of this month! The important task of choosing officers to guide us for the next two years is on the agenda, along with several fraternal ceremonies honoring our members. Are you ready?

Nominations & Reservations Deadlines are Past

It's past the deadline for nominations and reservations. If you are late on either, please immediately contact the Home Office.

Summer Gifting Project

Please remember to help out with the summer gifting program benefiting St. Elizabeth School for special needs students. All Grand and Subordinate Councils and individual members are encouraged to support the project. Those coming to the Session can bring "wish list" items (school supplies, backpacks, lunch boxes,
sensory skill items, Legos, socks, Kleenex, Lysol Wipes, etc.). Monetary donations can be made at the Session or sent to the Home Office, either made payable to St. Elizabeth School or to the Royal Arcanum. 100% of the donations are going directly to the students at St. Elizabeth School. Won't you help support this project?

   July is the month of...






National Fragile X Awareness Month


Fragile X is a set of conditions caused by alterations of the FMR1 gene on the X chromosome. It causes intellectual disability, behavioral issues, learning difficulties, and physical problems. During July, we are called to awareness of Fragile X so that carriers of the altered gene and those affected by it can receive the treatment, therapy, and support they deserve.



Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month


More than 300,000 children live with arthritis in the United States. It affects around 1 out of 250 children. Juvenile arthritis, also called pediatric rheumatic disease, describes health conditions that cause inflammation of the joints, tendons, ligaments, muscles, bones, or other parts of the body, causing intermittent pain, swelling, and stiffness. It can be especially challenging for kids since it can make it difficult to play with their friends which can lead to isolation and impact their social development. Watch for signs in the children in your lives and work with your healthcare providers to help them get the appropriate treatment.



National Pet Hydration Awareness Month


This summer has already caused some extremely hot temperatures across the country, building on the recent years of record-setting high average temperatures. While we may be able to easily grab a cold drink, our pets rely on us to ensure they get enough hydration. Learn the signs of dehydration in pets: drinking and eating less, low energy, panting, sticky and dry gums, sunken eyes, and less elastic skin. Incorporate more water into your pet's diet during the hot weather months and regularly check them for dehydration.




National Zoo Keeper Week

3rd full week of July, July 21-27, 2024


The modern zoo is no longer a place to showcase caged exotic animals. Zoos work on the front lines of conservation efforts and work to increase the numbers of endangered animals. Zoo keepers study the diet, environment, social patterns, and much more of the animals under their care, ensuring they live healthy and fulfilling lives while using their gained knowledge for the benefit of the species. Visit your local zoo this month and be sure to thank the zoo keepers for their hard work and dedication.




National Moth Week

Last full week of July, July 21-27, 2024


Celebrate the moth during the last full week in July. Did you know there are at least 150,000 species of moths, and there may be as many as half a million? Turn on your porch light and set up a camera to see if you can identify the moths in your area, then share your data with BAMONA (Butterflies and Moths of North America). Learn about the beauty, life cycle, and habitats of moths in your neighborhood this week.  



National Parenting Gifted Children Week

Third full week of July, July 21-27, 2024


Begun in 2007, National Parenting Gifted Children Week seeks to acknowledge and support parents dealing with the challenges that come with raising gifted children, and to encourage educators and community members to provide support for these families. Discover what you can do to help the parents of specially gifted children who outpace their peer groups in math skills, musical abilities, or other areas of talent. Parenting is hard, and having smart kids can be more challenging. Support them and advocate for them and their children during this week.




Chronic Disease Awareness Day

July 10


More than 160 million people nationwide suffer from chronic diseases and disabilities. Chronic Disease Awareness Day is dedicated to raising awareness and advocating for access for all to quality healthcare. Join the cause to advance equitable healthcare and support those with chronic diseases.




National Benzodiazepine Awareness Day

July 11


Benzodiazepines are prescribed regularly for a variety of conditions, such as anxiety, insomnia, and even seizures. But for many patients, there is a danger in long-term use, and they can be addictive and easy to overdose on. Long-term can be as little as more than two weeks for some, so education on the awareness of the dangers is imperative. If you or a family or friend are using these medications, work closely with your medical professionals to avoid the dangerous impact they may cause.



International Justice Day

July 17


On July 17, 1998, the United Nations adopted the Rome Statute for the International Criminal Court. In 2010, International Justice Day chose  July 17 to celebrate that adoption to recognize a system of international justice. The Nuremberg trials are regarded as the first international court when it brought Nazi war criminals to justice for their crimes against humanity. The United States is not a state party of the International Criminal Court, despite being part of creating it; yet it remains a vocal supporter of international justice and the need for the primacy of an objective system of justice.



Holidays and Observances


Bastille Day - July 14

The 1789 storming of the Bastille prison in Paris is often considered the start of the French Revolution, which officially began on May 5 of that year when King Louis XVI called a meeting to raise more money beyond what he could in taxes. The few prisoners freed from the Bastille represented a symbolic victory over the monarchy in the 10 years of the French Revolution. Known in France as la Fête national, July 14 is a French national holiday.



National Korean War Armistice Day - July 27

The complexity of the Korean peninsula led to the Korean War in the 1950s. For centuries, Korea was claimed by China and Japan. Japan annexed Korea in 1910, but it was liberated by Allied forces at the end of World War II, split into different zones at the 38th parallel. The war began on June 25, 1950, when the northern communist forces crossed the border into South Korea. Hostilities ended on July 27, 1953, with an armistice, thus ending what is known as the Forgotten War. The war has never officially ended, with an uneasy truce between North and South Korea continuing through today.



Parents' Day - 4th Sunday of July - July 28, 2024

Parents' Day was officially signed into law in 1994 by President Bill Clinton to recognize, uplift, and support the role of parents in the rearing of children. Modeled on Mother's Day and Father's Day, it seeks to promote the recognition of the role played by parental figures in their children's lives. It is often highlighted as the day of choice to celebrate not only biological parents, but step-parents, foster parents, and other strongly bonded adults helping the development of children.




Fun Days


While the origins of the celebration are unknown, National Fried ChickenDay is celebrated on July 6. Frying a chicken dates back to the Middle Ages, and it was Scottish immigrants who brought the tradition to the United States. African slaves of those immigrants adapted the recipe to add spices, and it became a staple dish of the South. Many fried chicken franchises will offer specials on and around this day, so get ready to get some finger-lickin' good food.



Using cacao seeds as food has been documented as long ago as 1100 BC, but World Chocolate Day is said to be celebrated on July 7 as the anniversary of when chocolate was brought to Europe in 1550. Its official observance began in 2009, long after chocolate became the favorite of billions of people. Celebrate with your favorite form as a gift or a special treat for yourself.



Another unknown origin celebration is National Pecan Day, observed on July 12. The first known printed recipe for a pecan pie was in 1886 in Harper's Bazaar magazine, but there are claims it was invented in the early 1800s in Louisiana. However it was invented, it has become a well-loved dessert, often rivaling pumpkin pie as a favorite for Thanksgiving. Have a sweet slice today! 



Historical Events


July 3, 1775: George Washington formally takes command of the Continental Army in Cambridge, Massachusetts, two weeks after the Continental Congress appointed him commander in chief.

July 4, 1804: Writer Nathaniel Hawthorne was born in Salen, Massachusetts. Many of his works are known for their moral and anti-Puritan messages, but he was also the author of the biography of President Franklin Pierce.

July 5, 1775: The Continental Congress, in an attempt at reconciliation with Britain, adopted the Olive Branch Petition. King George III refused to read it and instead declared the colonists to be in a state of open rebellion.

July 11, 1767: John Quincy Adams was born. He went on to become the 6th U.S. president, the first president whose father was president, and the only former president to later serve in the House of Representatives.

July 13, 1787: Congress established the Northwest Ordinance, setting up the procedures for converting territories into states. The ordinance included a Bill of Rights to guarantee freedom of religion, the right of trial by jury, public education, and a ban on slavery in the Northwest territories.

July 18, 1947: President Truman signed an Executive Order establishing the order of presidential succession. The succession order later became the 25th Amendment when it was ratified on February 10, 1967.

July 21, 1899: American writer Ernest Hemmingway was born in what is now Oak Park, Illinois in an area that was then part of Cicero, Illinois. His understated style of writing in his novels and short stories that romanticized his adventurous lifestyle became influential to many 20th-century writers.

July 25, 1898: During the Spanish-American War, the Spanish colony of Puerto Rico was invaded by U.S. forces. Citizenship was granted in 1917, and the island was given self-governance in 1947. Six non-binding referendums were held regarding their statehood, but the power to grant statehood lies in the U.S. Congress.

   Charitable Activities Highlights

Here's the latest charitable project by our members.


Grand Council of Michigan - Penrickton Center for Blind Children


As part of the Buddy Project, the fraternal service initiative pairing different jurisdictions together to support a common cause, the Grand Council of Michigan made a charitable donation during their visit to the Penrickton Center for Blind Children. The Penrickton Center may sound familiar, as it was the recipient of a joint project between the Grand Council of Michigan and Detroit Council #21A last October. The Taylor, Michigan organization has been helping blind children since 1952 with individualized programs that help promote independence for their clients.


Versatility Council #2501 - Felician School for Exceptional Children, Lodi


The councils in New Jersey continue their long history of supporting the Felician School for Exceptional Children in Lodi, New Jersey. The Felician School provides care and learning for youngsters with special needs, striving to provide them with the tools to lead independent lives at no cost to the families of their students. The New Jersey contingent of the Royal Arcanum has been supporting them since their founding more than 50 years ago to ensure their good works can continue.




   College News


Congratulations to all the scholarship & grant winners! Good luck to you this academic year and your future careers!


$10,000 Scholarship


Matthew MacDougall, Integrity Council #586
Katarzyna Tomaszkowicz, Sons of Poland Council #2016

$8,000 Scholarship


Julia Gill, Sons of Poland Council #2016
Christopher Zawadzki, Sons of Poland Council #2016

$5,000 Scholarship

William O'Keefe, Bayonne Council #695
Charleendale Pare, Group California Council #1999

$2,000 Scholarship


Dylan Dratch, Merritt Council #1974
Ryan McAvoy, Sons of Poland Council #2016
Natalia Nowobilska, Sons of Poland Council #2016
Sofia Torricella, Claremont Council #1655

$1,200 Continuing Education Grant


Collin Gill, Sons of Poland Council #2016
Justin Nader, Bayonne Council #695
Emma Thompson, Group Colorado Council #1998
Sara Thompson, Group Colorado Council #1998


Congratulations to you all!

   Inspirational quotes


“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give”

―    Winston Churchill

   Upcoming dates


Mark your calendar with these important dates:

  • Summer Bulletin article submission deadline: July 8, 2024
  • Supreme Council Session: July 28, 2024 to July 31, 2024
  • Monthly Lend A Hand - Lift A Heart submission deadline: July 31, 2024
  • Summer Bulletin publication date: August 19, 2024
  • Donald E. Ferry Spirit of Service Award Projects Ends: November 20, 2024
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