Tuesday, December 6, 2022


December 06, 2022
Newsletter #54

Hi Member,

The holiday season is upon us as we enter the last month of the year. It's a wonderful time for our councils to host parties for our junior members as well as have a get-together for the adult members. It's also a time for charitable giving, especially as the cold weather may drive more need in our communities. Share the best of the Royal Arcanum with those you meet and invite them to join our family.

A Message from our Supreme Secretary

Our new Supreme Secretary introduces himself with a message to our members. Be sure to get to know him better and how to connect with him.

Annuity News

Did you miss the news on the annuity rate increase? The treasury rates have dropped since last month, but our rates are better than the fed's 5-year, 10-year, and 30-year rates! Annuities can be opened for as little as $500 and could make nice Christmas gifts.

December is the Month of

As December brings the end to another trip around the sun, we offer some items of interest to ponder as we say goodbye to another year.

Charitable Activities Highlights

The giving spirit of our members continues, and we highlight some of the latest of their generosity. It's also a good time to remember that councils are eligible for up to $1,000 of reimbursements for charitable gifts under the IFS program. Read about it all and see if your council can make more of a difference in your community.

College News

Don't miss the deadlines for our college students and college-bound members.

Inspirational Quote

We offer this month a quote on the joys of giving.

Upcoming Dates

Time to update your calendar again!

   A Message from our Supreme Secretary


Greetings Brothers and Sisters,

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself.

My name is Antal Basa, Jr., I often go by Tony. I have been married to my wonderful wife; Debra for 24 exciting years and we have three children together. Anthony (23), Andrew (21), and Grace (16) keep us very busy and on our toes. I am retired from the US Army with over 21 years. I worked in the Home Office for 12 years, then moved into the Insurance field, and am currently a Patient Educator with a Pharmaceutical Company based in Paramus, NJ.

It is an honor to be elected as your Supreme Secretary.  While at the 105th Supreme Council Session in Annapolis, MD, one thing stood out to me; Royal Arcanum is one big family. It was so wonderful seeing all the members who could make the session. This was certainly a reunion that allowed us to reconnect.  But even while enjoying this reunion and reconnection, there was something else missing.  The rest of you.

Since we missed the rest of you at the session, I want to make sure I place a considerable effort to reconnect with members of the Grand and Subordinate Councils.  I challenge everyone to reach out to each other just to check in and ensure we are all doing okay.  All too often we get tied up in our own existence and forget to reach out and then have a nag of regret later.  Well, that’s no good for me or this RA family.  The lack of connections can have undesired effects on anyone.  I am hopeful that reaching out to members of the Grand and Subordinate Councils will help everyone to reconnect and bring life back to normal.

I would like to ask everyone who would like to reconnect please send me an email or call me so that we all can stay in touch.  You can find my contact information below.  In the meantime, I will be looking forward to making plans to meet with you all very soon.

Stay Safe

Yours in V.M.C.

Tony Basa

617-429-8763 (cell)
508-297-2633 (home)

   Annuity news



4% Rate of Return for Annuities

While you're in the giving mood, we wanted to remind everyone that the Royal Arcanum has increased the annuity credited rate to 4% within the US. It can make a wonderful gift. New annuities can be started with as little as $500, and they can grow to make a substantial contribution to retirement income.

New annuities that we offer will continue to maintain a guaranteed minimum annuity rate of 3% for the first 6 years and are guaranteed a minimum rate of 2% for the life of the annuity.  They will be issued with a current credited rate of 4%, but if market rates decrease, we reserve the right to reduce the annuity to a minimum of 3% for years 3-6.


Royal Arcanum annuities continue to earn interest after the first six years, credited at the current rate, and with the minimum rate that they were guaranteed at the time of issuance. Now is a great time to encourage your family and friends to lock in their financial future.

Consider gifting yourself with a stream of income for your retirement through a Royal Arcanum annuity.


   December is the month of...





International Sharps Injury Prevention Awareness Month

The month of December is set aside as International Sharps Injury Prevention Awareness. The observance encourages the review of protocols and training. It’s also a time to assess how injuries occur and implement safeguards to improve outcomes.

Operation Santa Paws

December encourages animal lovers to share gifts with animal shelters during the month of December. Started in 2001 in Lang Beach, California, Operation Santa Paws calls all animal lovers to donate blankets, treats, food, toys, supplies, and money for all our loyal furry friends housed in several shelters and rescue centers around the country.

Universal Human Rights Month

This month hosts the global campaign calling for people across the globe to stand up for equality, justice, and the dignity of all human beings. On December 10 in 1948, the United Nations published the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, stating "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood."


Holidays and Observances

St. Nicholas Day is on December 6. Nicholas was the bishop of Myra (now in modern-day Turkey) and is largely thought to be the historical basis of Santa Claus. He was widely known for his generosity. He was reputed to drop gold coins into the drying stockings of three young women for their marriage dowry, saving them from a life of poverty, and cementing the tradition of hanging stockings by the fireplace.


The Winter Solstice marks the shortest day of the year, falling on December 21st this year. Every day after this until mid-June will be slightly longer. More sunlight is coming, but because of the tilt and position of the earth to the sun, it also marks the beginning of winter and the coldest and snowiest season of the year for the northern hemisphere.


Christmas Day s celebrated as a Christian commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ and as a public holiday. Did you know the celebration of Christmas was destained in the 17th century in Europe, and it wasn’t until the Victorian era that it became widely embraced?

Hanukkah is an 8-day festival of lights celebrated from Monday, December 19 to Monday, December 26 in 2022. Its origins date to the celebration of the Maccabean victories over the Seleucid king's forces and the Temple's rededication in 164 BCE.

Fun Days

For the end of the year, we thought we’d go with the theme of colors. Every fun day entry has a color in its name.


Eat a Red Apple Day is celebrated on December 1

December 4 is Wear Brown Shoes Day

National Brownie Day is on December 8. We’ve already used brown, but who doesn’t like brownies?

December 14 is Roast Chestnuts Day

National Lemon Cupcake Day is December 15

National Chocolate Covered Anything Day is December 16

December 17 is Maple Syrup Day

National Eggnog Day is on December 24

Look for an Evergreen Day on December 19. It’s also Oatmeal Muffin Day

Historical Events

December 6, 1921:    Ireland’s 26 southern states form the Irish Republic

December 7, 1941:    Pearl Harbor

December 8, 1980:    John Lennon is assassinated in New York City outside his home

December 10, 1901:    The first Nobel Peace Prizes were awarded

December 14, 1962:    The Mariner II probe traveled to within 22,000 miles of Venus, the first contact with another planet

December 15, 1791:    The Bill of Rights becomes a part of the U.S. Constitution

December 19, 1732:    Benjamin Franklin first published Poor Richard’s Almanac

December 25, 440:    Church leaders agree to fix the date of the birth of Christ, replacing dates in May and January that some celebrated

December 31, 1781:    Thomas Edison publicly demonstrated his electric incandescent lamp at his laboratory in Menlo Park, NJ

   Charitable Activities Highlights


End-of-Year Reminders on Fraternal Projects

This month brings the end of the 2022 IFS Program, so councils that have not yet reached their annual reimbursement amount are encouraged to make this year's donations. The Donald E. Ferry Jr. Spirit of Service Program closed on November 20, and all applications must be in the Home office by today. Our Fraternalism in Action report runs through the end of the year and the report must be received by February 15. The Lorraine J. D’Emilio Legacy of Hope projects run from September 1st to February 28th, so make plans for your activities now.

Felician School for Exceptional Children

Bayonne Council #695 and the Grand Council of New Jersey have both supported the Felician School for Exceptional Children, Lodi as their IFS Project. The school cares for youngsters with special needs and provides them with help to live independent and productive lives in the future. The Grand Council of New Jersey and Bayonne Council have been friends of the school since it started more than 50 years ago. Founded in 1971, Students are enrolled in The Felician School by their local school districts at no cost to the family.

MANNA (Metropolitan Area Neighborhood Nutrition Alliance)

Integrity Council #586 has a long history of supporting the needy in their community and has recently completed an IFS Project supporting MANNA, which serves the greater Philadelphia area and southern New Jersey. MANNA opened its doors in 1990 when seven members of the First Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia began delivering meals to their neighbors dying of AIDS. As their organization grew, they began serving anyone at nutritional risk due to critical illness in 2006, and have grown to serve clients with more than 85 different illnesses.


Mountain Buggies unit of the Shriners Organization

Rhododendron Council #701 supported the Mountain Buggies unit of the Shriners Organization. The Shriners are a well-known organization of men who are dedicated to brotherhood, compassion, and service to others.  Shriners International's dedication to dedicated to improving the lives of children by providing pediatric specialty care is well known.


Caitlin's Smiles

Harrisburg Council #499 made several year-end donations as IFS Projects. Caitlin's Smiles is a non-profit that distributes arts and crafts activities to children in medical facilities, striving to heighten their feelings of self-worth as well as lower their stress & anxiety levels by providing them with opportunities to be creative and successful with a variety of creative art experiences. They encourage children with serious health challenges to explore their unique creative talents by taking part in arts and crafts activities and thereby putting smiles on the faces of the children and everyone involved with their activities.

Downtown Daily Bread

Harrisburg Council next supported Downtown Daily Bread, which provides basic human services to hundreds of hungry and homeless in the Harrisburg area. Founded in 1983 by Pine Street Presbyterian Church, they have grown to support a wide range of support. They offer a Soup Kitchen with weekday breakfasts and daily lunch meals; a Day Shelter with cots, computers, phones, and staff counselors; a winter season Night Shelter for men, and numerous assistance programs such as showers, lockers, mail delivery, laundry cards, vouchers for photo IDs, clothing, and other personal hygiene items. 

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

Harrisburg Council also made a donation as an IFS Project to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. The Society was founded in 1949 following the death of the teenage son of Rudolph and Antoinette de Villiers from Leukemia. It has grown to become dedicated to curing leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma, and other blood cancers. And they've had success: in their 1955 annual report, they noted that leukemia was nearly 100% fatal. Now, the average five-year survival rate is 65% in the United States, and for children with acute leukemia who are cancer-free after five years, the cancer is unlikely to return.


St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital

Harrisburg Council continued spreading its support through a donation to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Their mission is to advance cures, and means of prevention, for pediatric catastrophic diseases through research and treatment. It was founded by Danny Thomas in 1962 and continues to honor the standard set then that families never receive a bill, thanks to generation donations from individuals and organizations such as Harrisburg Council.

Vision Resources of Central Pennsylvania

Harrisburg Council's final recipient this year was Vision Resources of Central Pennsylvania, a 100-year-old community benefit organization with a mission to facilitate independence, enrich the quality of life, and empower individuals who are visually impaired or otherwise disabled through prevention, employment, and educational awareness programs. It serves Harrburg's Dauphin county, as well as Cumberland, Franklin, and Perry counties.

Thank you for all the generous charitable support our members are offering. Your time and donations are greatly appreciated. Please remember to submit an article (and pictures, if possible) to the bulletin.

   College News


Reminders to Scholarship winners

Please remember to submit your tuition bills, including a copy of your student ID, each year to the Home Office so your scholarship funds can be sent to your school.


Last Call for Applications for Scholarships and Grants

The Home Office must receive all scholarship and grant applications by December 31, 2022. To apply, call 1-888-ARCANUM or visit our website


   Inspirational quotes


“No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.”

―     Charles Dickens

   Upcoming dates


Mark your calendar with these important dates:

  • Donald E. Ferry Jr. Spirit of Service submission deadline: December 6
  • Scholarship and Grant applications deadline: December 31
  • 2022 IFS Donation deadline: December 31
  • 2022 Fraternalism in Action reports deadline: February 15, 2023
  • The Lorraine J. D'Emilio Legacy of Home projects run from September 1 to February 28
  • 2022 IFS submission deadline: February 28, 2023
  • Dime A Day program completion: October 18, 2023

Tuesday, November 1, 2022


November 01, 2022
Newsletter #53

Hi Member,

Autumn is now in full swing. The brightest colors of the season have begun to fade into browns in most areas, and the cooler weather has made its first knock on the door in most places too, even if it hasn't yet settled in for a months-long stay. It's also the season when the cold-weather activities begin in earnest when the warming drinks and the savory meals return. Enjoy a quick read of the latest Royal Arcanum news in your cozy place.

Annuity News

There’s some great news about our annuity products. Get an early peek at some welcome news on the interest rates.

November is the Month of

November is the last full month of autumn, can you believe how fast this season is passing? Explore some interesting information about the month celebrated by the Topaz as the traditional birthstone and the chrysanthemum as its flower.

Charitable Activities Highlights

Our members’ charitable activities never stop! Here are some of the recent highlights of completed projects and current opportunities.

Junior Christmas Gifts

Be sure to plan your junior Christmas parties, complete with presents from the Supreme Council. Order your gifts today!

Supreme Regent Visitations

Santa isn’t the only one who wants to come to town. It’s time to plan a visitation by our Supreme Regent.

College News

Quick reminders for our college students and the college-bound.

Inspirational Quote

We offer this month a quote on the joys of giving.

Upcoming Dates

Time to update your calendar again!

   Annuity news



4% Rate of Return for Annuities

The Royal Arcanum is pleased to announce we are increasing the current Royal Arcanum annuity credited rate to 4% within the US. This increase will apply to all US annuities effective October 1st, 2022. Canadian Annuities are excluded. A letter will be mailed out to members who have qualifying annuities announcing the positive news.


New annuities that we offer will continue to maintain a guaranteed minimum annuity rate of 3% for the first 6 years and are guaranteed a minimum rate of 2% for the life of the annuity.  They will be issued with a current credited rate of 4% for the first 2 years, but if market rates decrease, we reserve the right to reduce the annuity to a minimum of 3% for years 3-6.


Royal Arcanum annuities continue to earn interest after the first six years, credited at the current rate, and with the minimum rate that they were guaranteed at the time of issuance. Now is a great time to encourage your family and friends to lock in their financial future.


   November is the month of...




Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month

November is dedicated to understanding of Alzheimer’s Disease and working to improve the quality of life for those with previously undiagnosed Alzheimer’s. Learn how to recognize signs of this dementia disease and support the exciting new research that is helping to identify and treat or prevent it.

American Diabetes Awareness

November is set aside to bring attention to the disease of diabetes, and to help find ways to prevent or control it for those affected. Diabetes is a disease that affects about 37 million Americans. It occurs when your blood glucose is too high, which can damage the eyes, kidneys, nerves, and heart, and has been linked to some forms of cancer.

COPD Awareness Month

It is estimated that over 15 million Americans suffer from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and that several million more are living with it without knowing it. COPD is a chronic lung disease that makes it very difficult to breathe, trapping air inside the lungs and causing the narrowing of the air passages, leading to emphysema. This national awareness month recognizes those who are suffering from this disease and those who care for COPD patients and hopes to work toward early diagnosis and treatment to improve the quality of life and health of those afflicted.

Epilepsy Awareness Month

Epilepsy affects more than 2 million people in America. During their lifetime, 1 in 10 people will have a seizure; 1 in 26 will develop epilepsy. It is the fourth most common neurological disorder in the world. It can be caused by brain injury or be a family trait, but often the cause is completely unknown. The Epilepsy Foundation hopes to educate and build community action to help those living with epilepsy with their challenges.

Holidays and Observances

Daylight Savings Time begins for all U.S. areas that observe it on November 6 at 2:00 A.M. local time. Fire officials recommend you use the time change as a reminder to change the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.


Veteran's Day is celebrated on November 11. Originally called Armistice Day to commemorate the day hostilities ended in World War I, it is dedicated to honoring those men and women who served and have been discharged from the armed services.


Thanksgiving Day is celebrated in the U.S. on the 4th Thursday of November, and this year that falls on November 24. It celebrates the previous year's blessings and marks the unofficial beginning of the Christmas season. It’s usually the busiest travel time of the year.


Fun Days

National Men Make Dinner Day is the first Thursday in November. This year it falls on November 3, which also happens to be National Sandwich Day. Dinner may not be so exciting this year.


November 13 is International Tongue Twister Day. Think they theorized this totally tough thing together? 


November 18 is Apple Cider Day. Celebrate the taste of autumn with some freshly pressed ripe apples, or perhaps with a touch of fermented apple cider!


November 26 is National Cake Day. Be sure to finish your pumpkin pie in time to enjoy a slice of this celebration.

Historical Events

November 1, 1512: Michelangelo’s paintings on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican, Italy were first exhibited

November 3, 1913: The USA introduced the first permanent income tax

November 8, 1731: The first US library was opened

November 8, 1789: Bourbon whiskey was first distilled from corn

November 9, 1872: The Great Boston Fire of 1872 burned about 65 acres of downtown Boston, consuming 776 buildings and much of the financial district

November 11, 1926:  U.S. Route 66 was established

November 19, 1620: The Mayflower reached Cape Cod

November 22, 1954: The Humane Society of the United States was formed

November 30, 3340 BC: The earliest known notation of an eclipse was recorded in what is now Ireland

   Charitable Activities Highlights


Versatility Council Project

Versatility Council #2501 is a longtime supporter of the Felician Sisters of North America. They have recently completed their International Fraternal Service project supporting the work of the Felician Sisters’ Haiti Mission. In 2012, the Felician Sisters have established a mission in Jacmel, Haiti, serving the poor in the region through their ministry of presence, a mobile clinic, schools, spiritual programs, and many youth programs that provide safe havens for the children in their care. They maintain a blog about their activities on their website that documents the struggles and successes they’ve experienced. The nation of Haiti is one of the poorest in the world and has suffered from political unrest, earthquakes, and hurricanes. They rely on donations to carry out their mission, and Versatility Council has stepped up to answer the call. They have received the maximum reimbursement offered by the IFS program to support the Sisters.


There are still two months left for councils to choose and complete an IFS project and receive a reimbursement of up to half of their donation for the 2022 calendar year. Donations must be completed by December 31, but requests for reimbursement are accepted until the end of February. Let the Haiti Mission inspire your council’s charitable desires and complete your IFS project before the year ends.

Dime A Day Drive Reminder

Today marks the beginning of the new Dime A Day Drive that was introduced in the last newsletter! Collect your loose change between now and October 18, 2023, for a donation to I Honor Your Service America. Participants donating $35 or more will be entered in a random drawing next November.

Donald E. Ferry Jr. Spirit of Service Program

The Donald E. Ferry Spirit of Service program runs until November 20. There’s still time for your subordinate council to sponsor a volunteer project for a children’s charity or charitable cause for the benefit of children and participate in this year’s program. Refresh your memory of the project with the program brochure and complete the application for your completed project.

Completed applications and all supporting materials must be received on or before December 6.

   Junior Christmas Gifts


We hope your councils will be hosting Christmas parties for their youngest members. We’re here to help with our thoughtfully chosen, age-appropriate gifts. Councils are encouraged to download the online order form and send it to the Home Office, or by calling our membership services department at the Home Office to order gifts for your council’s juniors. Be sure to order your gifts at least four weeks before the date of your party to ensure you receive your gifts on time.

Be sure to take photos of your gathering for publication in our bulletin. Don’t forget that all children under 13 years of age must have a release form filed with the Home Office in order to use your photographs. If there are any junior members without a release form on file, please download the form and have it completed and sent in before or with the pictures and article you send in.

   Supreme Regent Visitations


Our Supreme Regent Maria DiBartolo is looking forward to visiting each jurisdiction. The Deputy Supreme Regents are being contacted to help schedule and coordinate her visitations. Now is the time for your Grand Council to begin to plan for her visit as she shares her Into the Future program with your members.

   College News


Reminder to Scholarship winners

Scholarship winners, please remember that you must submit your tuition bills and include a copy of your student ID each year in order for the funds to be sent to your school. A letter is sent annually to scholarship winners as a reminder, but in case it was lost in the mail or overlooked, please be sure to complete this necessary task soon. Please call our office at 888-ARCANUM if you are a scholarship winner and have any questions.


Applications for Scholarships and Grants

The Home Office is currently accepting applications for scholarships and grants. All applications must be received in the Home Office by December 31, 2022. To apply, call 1-888-ARCANUM or visit our website

Care Packages for college students

Royal Arcanum college students, would you like to receive a care package at the beginning of the new year for the next semester? Send us your address at school and we’ll send you a little care package to let you know the Royal Arcanum is thinking of you.


   Inspirational quotes


“The simple gift of giving becomes an elaborate rich aftertaste of a natural blissful feeling, lingering endlessly in my lifetime.”

―     Wes Adamson

   Upcoming dates


Mark your calendar with these important dates:

  • The publication date of the next Bulletin is November 17
  • Donald E. Ferry Jr. Spirit of Service program deadline: November 20
  • Donald E. Ferry Jr. Spirit of Service submission deadline: December 6
  • Scholarship and Grant applications deadline: December 31
  • 2022 IFS Donation deadline: December 31
  • 2022 IFS submission deadline: February 28, 2023
  • Dime A Day program completion: October 18, 2023

Tuesday, October 4, 2022


October 04, 2022
Newsletter #52

Hi Member,

Autumn officially began on Thursday, September 22, and with the change of seasons came a radical change in weather. We are most concerned with our Royal Arcanum members in Florida, the Carolinas, and the other jurisdictions impacted by this massive storm.

Canadian News

There is an important change for our members in Canada, as our relationship with those members will be changing soon. We worked hard to keep our northern members part of our family. Read about this important change.

October is the Month of

October marks the first full month of autumn, but we'll also highlight a few awareness and designations for the month you may not have known.

Charitable Activities Highlights

Our members have not been idle in maintaining their charitable work. Read about the latest highlights and hear about a new initiative announced at the Session.

College News

For those approaching or in their college years, we have some reminders. Don't miss a deadline!

Join us on Linked In

The Royal Arcanum has joined the LinkedIn world with a new professional profile. Read about this service and join us there.

Inspirational Quote

The Bard of Avon is this month's inspirational quote.

Upcoming Dates

Keep your calendar up to date with some important upcoming dates.

   Canadian news



A change for our Canadian members

Due to some significant increases in expenses imposed upon the Royal Arcanum as a financial service provider doing business in Canada, coupled with a current and projected stream of income from premiums from Canadian policies, the financial viability of maintaining a business presence in Canada has been exhausted. Faced with these business challenges, the Supreme Council of the Executive Committee, together with the Royal Arcanum Senior Management, made the difficult decision to exit our business operations in Canada. Current policies will be managed by Teachers Life Fraternal in Mississauga, Ontario. This move will preserve the full value of life insurance and annuity products for our Canadian members.

Our Royal Arcanum family members in Canada remain important to us, and to that end, a new class of members was approved at the Supreme Council Session that was held in Annapolis. This allows our current Canadian members to remain as Royal Arcanum non-benefit members and will entitle them to continue to participate in the social and fraternal activities of our Society. This will allow them to continue to be eligible to continue to

  • Receive the Royal Arcanum Bulletin
  • Attend Supreme Council Sessions and Social Outings, including any mini-vacations
  • Participate in the International Fraternal Service Program and receive reimbursements for their projects
  • Participate in all Fraternal Department initiatives and programs
  • Serve on the Fraternal Events committee
  • Be honored for Veterans recognitions members beginning with their 25th year of membership
  • Participate in the Royal Arcanum scholarship and grant programs
  • Juniors may participate in the Junior Bulletin Page prizes and the Junior Writing Contest
  • Receive Junior promotional items (Christmas gifts, etc.)
  • Participate in the Youth of the Year Award Program
  • Maintain all DSA credits and points previously earned as voluntary recommenders
As part of the change in membership, our Canadian members will no longer be eligible for a voice and vote in the Supreme Council, be elected to any office in the Supreme Council, or earn any new DSA credits or Recommender Points for new Canadian policies.

Our Canadian councils have been notified and been in discussions with the Executive Committee and Senior Management of the Royal Arcanum, and have been given information on how the changes affect their councils. We are continuing to support them and welcome their participation in this new class of membership.


   October is the month of...



Healthy Literacy Month

October is International Health Literacy Month, a time to recognize the importance of making health information easy to understand and the health care system easier to navigate. The primary target is for those in the health industry to be mindful of the jargon they use, it's also a call to learn what might be important in conversations about your health. Be sure you are informed about the health language that impacts you and your family. 

Mental Illness Awareness

The week of October 2--8 is Mental Illness Awareness week. It is intended to raise awareness of mental illness, fight discrimination and provide support for those affected by mental illness directly or indirectly through family, friends, or coworkers. 

Bilingual Child Month

Children who speak two or more languages are celebrated this month. Toutes nos félicitations ! Gratulacje! Herzliche Glückwünsche! Felicidades! Congratulations!

Long-Term Care Planning Month

This month is dedicated to encouraging seniors to take a practical look at their potential need for services in the future and explore options should the need arise. Long-term care incorporates services outside of medical care, including everyday and basic personal care needs that are typically not covered by medical insurance, so planning is key to being prepared. Planning is not limited to seniors only — prepare for the future today.

National Dessert Month

Have a sweet day by celebrating National Dessert Month with a special treat. Do you have a favorite dessert recipe? Share it with your Royal Arcanum family by sending it into the Bulletin.

Squirrel Awareness Month

This month is an annual celebration of the cute furry creatures that scamper around our neighborhoods and local parks. Now is the time when they are preparing for winter. Experts estimate they store up to three years’ worth of food to help them make it through the cold winter months. Why not provide a few extra high-nutrient nuts for them before the bitter cold sets in?


Holidays and Observances

There are many other days of observance in October, here are just a few:

National German-American Day is October 6. Celebrate your heritage!
 Columbus Day and Indigenous Peoples' Day are both observed on the second Monday of October.
United Nations Day on October 24 celebrates the day the UN Charter went into effect.
National First Responders Day honors those heroic men and women who spring into action when disaster strikes. We celebrate them on October 28.
Halloween is October 31. It's a holiday you can celebrate from beyond the grave!

Fun Days

October 4 is National Taco Day and National Cinnamon Roll Day. Time to eat!
October 15 is Sweetest Day. Celebrated on the third Saturday of October, it was originally started in 1922 by Herbert Birch Kingston, a Cleveland candy store employee who felt that the city's orphans and shut-ins were often being overlooked and neglected.
October 17 is Wear Something Gaudy Day. Some of us seem to celebrate it more often than once a year.
October 22 is National Nut Day. Do you think the squirrels know this already?

Historical Events

October 1, 1908: The Model T went on sale for the first time
October 4, 1582: The Gregorian Calendar took effect, with the next day declared as October 15, 1582
October 6, 1927: The first "talkie", The Jazz Singer, opened in New York
October 8, 1871: The beginning of the Great Chicago Fire
October 13, 1775: The United States Navy was founded by the Second Continental Congress
October 19, 1987: "Black Monday", when the stock market fell 22.6%, the largest one-day drop in history
October 21, 1879: Thomas Edison successfully tested an electric incandescent lamp for 13 hours
October 28, 1881: The shoot-out at the O.K. Corral in Tombstone, Arizona

   Charitable Activities Highlights


Dime A Day Drive

Your loose change can make a difference! At the Supreme Council Session, a new Fraternal Department program was introduced: the Dime A Day Drive. This new program runs from November 1, 2022, through October 18, 2023. Your loose change can make a difference during these 350 days. Money collected will be donated to I Honor Your Service America, a 501(c)(3) charity that is led by Arcanum member Laurie Wise Simms. Participants in this drive in the amount of $35 or more will be entered in a random drawing for (2) $150 participant awards on November 16, 2023. Details will be in the next Bulletin, but start saving that loose change today.

Update on our Fraternal Project supporting Ukraine

Thank you to all of those who participated in our Session's Fraternal Project for Ukrainian infants and toddlers. We're happy to report on the success of your generosity:

  • 962 Baby Gifts were provided (outfits, blankets, etc.)
  • $4,000 in monetary donations
  • 424 "Honor and Remembrance" sunflowers raised an additional $2,120
Thank you all!

Ukraine's needs continue, and the Fraternal Department will continue to support them. If you missed the Session's collection, please know that donations are still being collected to support the Ukrainian people.

IFS Reminder

Each year, every Subordinate and Grand Council is eligible for up to $1,000 of reimbursement under the International Fraternal Service Program. Donations must be made during the calendar year, so if your council hasn't yet reached its maximum reimbursement amount, consider participating and making your donation before the end of the calendar year. Reimbursement requests are accepted through the end of February of the following year.

   College News


Scholarship winners: Submit your tuition bill

Scholarship winners: Please remember that you must submit your tuition bills and include a copy of your student ID each year in order for the funds to be sent to their school. A letter is sent annually to scholarship winners as a reminder, but in case it was lost in the mail or overlooked, please be sure to complete this necessary task soon. Please call our office at 888-ARCANUM if you are a scholarship winner and have any questions.

Applications for Scholarships and Grants

The Home Office is currently accepting applications for scholarships and grants. All applications must be received in the Home Office by December 31, 2022. To apply, call 1-888-ARCANUM or visit our website

Care Packages for college students

Shout out to all members who are college students and would like to receive a care package at the beginning of the new year for the next semester: send us your address at school and we’ll send you a little care package to let you know the Royal Arcanum is thinking of you.

Training reimbursement for SAT, ACT, PSAT, or LSAT

All junior members age 18 and younger who are taking a training program for SAT, ACT, PSAT, or LSAT are eligible for reimbursement of up to $50. Mail a copy of your paid training program receipt to the Home Office.

Resources for the college-bound

Junior High and High School students may want to use the Choices Explorer to help them make choices for their future careers. They may also want to use XAP Reach Farther to help them pick a college, look for available scholarships, and gain access to hundreds of electronic applications. And don’t forget that the United States Department of Education has a vast amount of resources as well - take the time to plan your future now!


   Join us on LinkedIn


LinkedIn is the world's largest professional network on the Internet, and now the Royal Arcanum has an official presence there. It's a social media site for the business world, where people and businesses connect with each other to build better business connections. Our expansion to become part of that world is an exciting new avenue of extending our reach. If you're a member of LinkedIn, follow our page.

   Inspirational quotes


“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.”

―     William Shakespeare

   Upcoming dates


Mark your calendar with these important dates:

  • Article deadline for the next Bulletin: October 9
  • The publication date of the next Bulletin is November 17
  • Scholarship and Grant applications deadline: December 31