Tuesday, November 2, 2021


Nov 02, 2021
Newsletter #30

Hi Member,

Welcome to November! For most, the summer weather is now a distant memory, and some strong autumn storms have already rolled through. We hope everyone has been spared the worst of these storms and will enjoy a few updates from the Supreme Council.

   November is the Month of...

November is here, and change of weather is best known for Halloween, but the spooky thing is that we forget how many other things this hard-working month is known for. Here's a small selection of things to know about the 10th month.

What's in a name?

Last month, we noted that October was the eighth month in the old Roman calendar. This month, we'll point out that the old Latin word "novem" means "nine", as this was the ninth month in the old Roman calendar. Notice a theme here? Wel bet there won't be any wondering about the source of next month's name.

Veteran's Day

The celebration of Veteran's Day on November 11 traces back to the end of World War I, the Great War, which saw the end of fighting on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. The day is previously celebrated as Armistice Day, and in Canada is known as Remembrance Day.

Thanksgiving Day

The United States celebrates Thanksgiving Day on the 4th Thursday of November, celebrating the autumn harvest, harkening back to the 1621 celebration between the Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Native Americans. Despite the common depictions of the Pilgrims, the first official national celebration wasn't until 1863. It still represents one of the busiest travel times as families gather together to celebrate.

Gluten-free Diet Awareness Month

November raises awareness to those who have celiac disease and those who are sensitive to gluten in wheat, grains, barley, and rye. For those with celiac disease, gluten inflames their intestines and damages the villi in the intestines. Over time, the loss leads to more severe health problems. Those sensitive to gluten experience intestinal issues that may be less severe, but are still problematic to their health. This is a great month to discover all the delicious meals that can be made while avoiding gluten.

Awareness of Cancers Month

There are many types of cancer, each devastating to those diagnosed. November highlights the awareness of Lung cancerPancreatic cancer, and stomach cancer. November has spawned the rise of Movember and NoSHAVEmber to help raise funds for cancer research. November also is National Pet Cancer Awareness Month, because cancer strikes our pets, too. It's a great time to make a donation to help advance the treatment of cancer.

National Scholarship Month

We regularly highlight the Royal Arcanum scholarships at this time of year and the steps needed for applying. While this is a great benefit for our members, National Scholarship Month was established to remind everyone of the many scholarship opportunities out there.

   2 months left for 2021 IFS Donations

The International Fraternal Service Program offers a generous reimbursement of half of qualifying donations, up to $1,000 each year. Donations are based on the calendar year, so there are only two more months left to make donations and qualify for reimbursement for the 2021 calendar year.

Review the IFS program, download the IFS form, and have your council make a donation before the end of the year. Reimbursement requests are accepted through the end of February the following year.

   Session reservations are being accepted

Officers and councils should have received a flying and a "Save the Date" magnet about the 105th Session in March 2022. Watch for all the detail and the reservation form in the Fall Bulletin, which we hope will be arriving in a few weeks. The Session will celebrate 145 years of fraternal service to our members and our communities, and as always will discuss important issues and elect the officers to lead us until the next Session.

   COVID Vaccine Boosters

The FDA and CDC have recently reviewed and approved COVID booster shots for the more at-risk members of the community. We encourage those who are eligible to consider getting a booster shot if they qualify.

For those who received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, a booster is recommended to everyone over 18 who received the original vaccine at least 2 months ago.

For those who received either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, the booster is only approved for those who are 65 or older, or those who are 18 or older and either are in a long-term care setting, have qualifying medical conditions or work in high-risk settings. For all cases, the booster is only approved if the second dose of the original vaccine was received at least 6 months ago.

Of course, if you haven't yet received any of the vaccines, you're encouraged to get vaccinated if you are eligible against this virus that has killed more than 750,000 in the US alone.

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